Help Is On The WAY

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Previously on WINX CLUB :ITS HERO TIME Vilgax told Albedo and Psyphin to bring villains from other universe's. He brought a villain from the marvel universe called the Green Goblin to attack ben. But someone followed him in the shadow and he was revealed to be marvel superhero spider man.

With spider mans help Ben and the boys defeated the Goblin and carried him of to Alfea prison.

Now ben has to be prepared for what ever comes his way.
Which Villain will come and which Villain find out on WINX CLUB :ITS HERO TIME help is on the way.


VILGAX'S ship.

Vilgax was in rage that not only had Ben defeated another Villain he has also found a new hero by his side.
Albedo made some adjustments  to make sure the multivator doesn't bring any heroes along side the villains. Vilgax then activated a screen which revealed the trix.

"Icy give me good news"said vilgax.

"We haven't found the stone yet but we found a man who is gonna tell us everything"said icy.

"Hurry" roared vilgax

Just then Albedo activates the machine and it brings 3 villains this time. The first had four robotic octopus like arms coming out from his back. Wearing red glasses and a yellow and black suit. His name was Doctor octopus. The other guy was like a human blue in color with  electricity moving through his body. He was electro.The last was in a black suit and had a white spider symbol on his chest he had a white mouth with sharp set of teeth and a forked tongue his name was Venom.

Vilgax talked to them and showed them their target. The three villains then headed for alfea in the teleporter.

At Alfea

Ben and his friends where asking mrs Faragonda, Eldora and Selina to combine their powers abd get help from other universe's.

"See, we won't be able to fight vilgax's Villains alone we are gonna be out numbered "said spider man

" He's right we wont stand a chance against vilgax if we don't get help" said Ben.

"Very well"said mrs Faragonda as they combined their powers and created a wormhole in the air. Suddenly they could here the voice of two males and a female.

"Brace for impact"said a voice in the wormhole.

Three figures fell from the wormhole one was wearing a robot like suit that had yellow and red colors on it on his chest there was a white energy core. Iron man
The second guy was like spider man but his suit was red and gold. Amadous cho aka the iron spider.
The last was rooks girlfriend Rayona.

After a little while spider man explains everything to iron man ( Tony Stark) and iron spider.

"Okay guys lets make this formal all the girls will be called The Sirens and all the boys will be called Heroes"said Ben.

"Hey we are heroes too" said Gwen starring at Ben.

"Yeah but it goes better with guys,
you understand "said ben

Suddenly there was a blast of blue lightning outside and the heroes and sirens went to the scene.

When they got there Venom came out of the woods and shot some black goo at Bloom." Ahhh"screamed bloom as the venom symbiote took control of her turned her into venom bloom.

They then turned around to see the real venom standing next to bloom.

"Venom what are you doing here " said spider man

" A guy named vilgax brought us here and said we'll have a share in the new world he is gonna build, but all we have to do is destroy Tennyson"HA HAHAHAHA. Venom Bloom and venom laughed together.

The heroes then turned around and saw Doc octopus and Electro.

"So nice to see you again spider man now i have another chance to eliminate you "said Doctor octopus.
as he used a device that vilgax gave to him and created a force field separating Ben, Spider-Man, Iron man and iron spider from the rest.

" Hey no fair "said kevin punching the force field.

" Spidey got a plan "asked Iron spider.

" Oh i got a plan "said spider man" Iron man you fight Doctor octopus, Iron spider you take electro, Ben you take venom, ill find a way to  help bloom "said spider man.

" Alright Venom or what ever you name is get ready to....... "Ben had not finish talking when venom tackled him down Ben then hit the omnitrix and transformed into a small robotic white alien with some MP3 players on his ears linking to something on like a bag back with a number 10 written on hit with the omnitrix symbol on his stomach.

"Echo. Echo. I. Wanted. Swamp. Fire. Not. Echo. Echo. Well. So. Far. So. Good. Echo Echo screamed so loud that sonic waves came out of his mouth and hit venom the wave removed the venom symbiote from his skin and destroyed it then the boy(Harry Osborn) feel unconscious.

Meanwhile Iron man was struggling in his fight with Doctor Octopus who had pined iron man. "Ha Stark i always knew i was the Greatest mind on earth you don't stand a chance against me" said Doctor octopus.

"You can never be the most brilliant mind on earth because your Mind is twisted with evil"said iron man as he blasted one of Doctor Octopus' robotic and he fell to the ground he then tore apart the other arms and left him defenseless and punched him lights out.

Iron man then went to help iron spider who was getting shocked by electro.
Ben transformed into a black alien with one green eye and a green part in the middle of his body and two antennae and a tail both with gold plugs on the end with the same gold plugs on his fingers.

Feedback then absorbed all of the electricity electro shot at him.
"Get ready for your very own feedback "said feedback as he shot the electricity back at him.
" How"said paralyzed electro
"Oh simple i turned the electricity into positive and when it hit you paralyzed you completely" ben then knocked electro on the head and he fell unconscious.

As venom bloom tried to hit spider man feedback hit her with a current and destroyed to venom symbiote on her. The villains where packed into piles and where token to the alfea prison.

Ben has gotten stronger but his he strong enough to fight the Ultimate evil. Find out on WINX CLUB :ITS HERO TIME.

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