Chapter 1-Why me?

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Matt's POV

I was in my room laying on my bed throwing a football in the air when my phone rings. I picked it up the caller ID said Nash. "Hey man whats up", I said as soon as I picked up the phone. "Hey Matt, Cameron and I wanted to know if you wanted to come over and hang out with us?", He sounded like he really wanted me to come over. I didn't really want to go to their apartment beacuse lately I have been trying to distance myself away from the boys. You may be wondering why I have been distancing myself from the boys, well it all happened like this.


We were at Magcon and everybody was getting together; Shawn and Taylor, Cameron and Nash, Hayes and Aaron, Jack and JJ. I was the only one who didn't have a significant other and whenever I would ask the boys if they wanted to hang out I would always get the same answers; can't hanging out with Taylor today sorry or Nash and I are watching movies all day. It started getting tiresome so I stopped texting them and just stayed in my room most of the day at my brothers house in LA only leaving my room to eat. After a while the boys started texting me asking if I wanted to hang out but I would always come up with a dumb excuse that they belived.

*End of Flashback*

"Matt...Hellloooooo?", Nash sceamed in my ear. "Wait what?", I asked really confused

"You zoned out for like 5 mintutes.", He sounded a little concerned. "Oh sorry"

"So whats your answer you coming or not?" I really didn't want to go so I just said umm like I was contemplating whether I could go or not.

"Your coming great see you in 20 bye." and with that he hung up.

Well I guess I'm going to Nash's house. I got up and went to take a shower because I smelled a few days past death, when I finished taking a shower I told my brother I was leaving and I left. On my way there I started to think about why they invited me over and if I was just going to be a third wheel. With all these questions going through my head I started to get dizzy so I turned on the radio to distract me.

*After the car ride*

I parked my car and walked to the front door, I knocked really loud just in case they couldn't hear me if they were doing something. Nash came to the door, "Hey Matt come on in". I walked in and I see this really hot boy, like really hot I was almost burning up. "Hi my names Carter", I was startled when I saw the cute boy had walked up to me and stuck his hand out. H-hi I'm Matthew but you can call me Matt and I shook his hand. Cam came downstairs "Oh I see you have met Carter" he said with a smirk on his face. He walked up to me "He's hot isn't he", I blushed and went and sat on the couch next to Carter. "So what do you guys want to do", Nash said breaking the silence. "Ooo I know lets go to the carnival that's always fun" Cameron said, then he whispered into my ear "and where people fall in love". After he said that I swear I was as red as a tomato. We got into Nash's car and drove to the carnival.


Hey guys I hope you liked the chapter I know it's short but it's my first chapter I don't think the next one will be long either but the third one will because it's a surprise. I know no one is reading this but if you are comment purple hippos.

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It all started with a 'Hey'(Marter/Catthew Fanfic)*ON HOLD*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat