Chapter 2-Funnel Cake

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* Matt's POV*

We got to the carnival and bought our tickets as soon as we got in Cameron starts begging Nash to buy him a funnel cake.

"For the last time, no Cameron I am not buying you a funnel cake" Nash said angrily.

"Please Nash I will do anything I just want one funnel cake pretty please with a cherry on top, I will do anything." Cameron was on his knees begging Nash.

"No Cameron I'm putting my foot down", Nash turned his head from Cameron so he wouldn't have to look at Cameron's sad puppy dog face. Cameron whispered something into Nash's ear and Nash turned bright red "Guys, Cameron and I will be right back I'm gonna go get him a funnel cake". Nash walked away with Cameron but they weren't walking in the direction of the funnel cake stand they were walking towards the bathroom. I was about to call out to them when Carter pulled me back,"Just let them go they know where they are going". After he said I finally understood what he meant and felt dumb for not realizing what had happened.

"So what ride do you wanna go on first", Carter said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. Aww he's so cute when he gets nervous, I can't help but stare into his mesmerizing eyes.

"Maaatttt?",Carter waves his hands in front of my face.

"Huh what uh sorry what did you say I tend to zone out a lot", I said really embarrassed because he caught me staring at him.

"What ride do you wanna go on first?"

"Hmm...Lets go on the bumper cars I love those", I said really excited.

"Ok lets go", Carter said smiling.

We started walking over to the bumper cars when I tripped and fell right on my face. "Ow shit" I mumbled under my breath as I got up and brushed my self off.

"Oh my gosh are you ok? Are you hurt?" Carter started bombarding me with all these questions but I when I finally looked up into his eyes I saw something. Concern, sincerity, I was really confused but as soon as it came it was gone so I just forgot about because I was obviously seeing things. "Yeah man I'm good lets go".

We finally got to the bumper cars without another mishap. When it was our turn next we gave the man our tickets and he asked us if we were going on together or alone, I didn't want to answer him because if I say no Carter might think I don't like him but If I say yes Carter might think I'm some weirdo so I let Carter decide.

"Umm we will go together if that's ok with you Matt",Carter said sort of unsure of his answer.

"Yea it's ok I don't mind", I said but inside I was smiling like a doofus.

We got into our little bumper car, it was red with white stripes on it, and waited for other people get into their bumper cars. When everyone was in their cars the ride started and we were having a lot of fun when suddenly I feel a cup full of soda thrown at me. I turn around when I see...


^^^does this remind anyone of a song no ok nvm then.

Hey ma little ninja turtles I'm gonna try to update twice a week if not then defiantly one a week and they won't be on the same days.

Who wants to here about my day no one well I'm gonna tell you anyways so there's this boy in my class and he is really cute but annoying and he gets on my nerves a lot of the time but his looks make up for them the rest of my day was boring but my life is boring so what can I do ya know.

If you read my incredible story about my day then comment shamu's gonna sue. Sorry the chapter wasn't long like I promised don't be mad it's only because I have something planned for the next chapter. peace love coconuts-Morgs🌺

It all started with a 'Hey'(Marter/Catthew Fanfic)*ON HOLD*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin