the author is SHOOK

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Guys. It has been three years.

I'm going to be completely honest with you all, one day I just deleted Wattpad and moved over to reading stories on AO3.

Today, I decided, "what the hell let's log into Wattpad so I can reread my stories and see how utterly horrible they are." Lo and behold, I log in, and I have 17,300 notifications. I see that people are STILL reading these stories and even after THREE YEARS they want more?! I'm shook! Absolutely fucking shook! I teared up a little when I'd seen how dedicated y'all are.

The good news you all want: I think I might just pick these back up. Obviously, I've changed a lot in three years and my writing style has, hopefully, improved, so I plan to put these stories under a major remodel. For a lot of these stories, that means shifting from 1st person POV to 3rd because 1st sucks and I don't know why I ever wrote in it.

I'm astounded, really, that you all are still here. Thank you for keeping with these stories, even if I didn't.


Bạn đã đọc hết các phần đã được đăng tải.

⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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