Introducing me

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My name is Jamie O'Blanc,I was born on the 9th of September 2001. I have three siblings who are older than me, they all finished from colleges and Universities and are now living life some places on the earth right now, poor me. Anyway its just me and my parents now,how fun!! My dad is Charlie O'Blanc, he owns an international aviation company called "NANOFLY" that specialises in finding ways to minimise aviation problems using nano-tech. Dad graduated from MIT, Massachusetts with a multi-doctorate in engineering, specifically avionics and computer science. My mom, Lyndalia Lo'oani O'Blanc is a CPA who graduated with a Masters is Business at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. Dad told her once that she should work at NANOFLY but she refused, she said it wouldn't look good.

My mum is from the east coast of New Zealand, Christchurch while Dad is from Durham, North Carolina USA, so you can now guess which college I'm attending. We've been living in New Zealand as long as I can remember so I consider it more home then Durham since all my friends and most people I know are back there. Mum and dad moved to New Zealand soon after they got married, and before they had Ronn, my eldest sister. My circle of friends could fill one big yellow school bus and still have space for a chauffeur and a mobile nurse and probably a vending machine.

When we were all still living at New Zealand, mom suggested countless times that we go to visit North Carolina, poor mum would fix everything from flight bookings to accommodations and reservations, transportation and even the food we would be eating only to find out that something came up at dads' or her workplace, so the trip would have to be cancelled. Because of this we never actually went anywhere outside of New Zealand, no wonder my siblings all scurried away when they got the chance. We didn't really mind since we all knew that both our parents are really busy people, but mum was always devastated because she always wanted us to go as a family and she knew my siblings wouldn't cooperate if they were not in her care, dad would always laugh the matter off.

When mom and dad learnt that I got accepted into Duke University, that was it, it was officially time to move. I told dad that it wasn't necessary for all three of us to move but he said that the move was long overdue and mom agreed. Obviously, mum had to agree. Apparently my grandparents left a whole estate in dads' name when pop died, nana died shortly after. We all miss them dearly since they always visited us in New Zealand. According to dad, his estate is just a 20 minutes drive from Duke. Lucky me!!
Mom said that once we've settled, she would try to convince my siblings to visit us.

It has been six weeks already in Durham I am practically a maniac when I'm on the streets, here's how, when I was really young like 12 or so my dad taught me to drive all sorts of cars from twin-steers to convertibles, he even tried to let me pilot one of his display planes once, that didn't go well. Anyway now I'm a pro at driving and in just 15 days I already know North Carolina like the back of my hand, and that's how I spent my first two weeks in Durham. School has already started and I just moved into my dorm room. Of course mum and dad both had to come leave me, mum cried from Whiteshore(the estate) all the way here and I heard from dad that she cried the whole 20 minutes back too. Poor mum...

 College, Literally UntitledHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin