Wrong Dormitory

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This is the day after I moved into my dorm room, i don't know why but I moved in during the night.
Anyway I'm brushing my teeth and walking down the hallway right, cause I was late for class and I left my towel in my room, if I recall correctly I was mumbling something about my phone call with dad last night....anyway out of nowhere I see this guy and then another coming out of one of the rooms, I was startled by a door slam coming from the room behind me, it was also a guy,....jeeze am I in the right dorm or what?, so out of patriotism for the other girls, and my own pride, I decided to go:
"hey this is a girls dorm guys and if you don't mind, some girls actually like to have privacy" because I liked privacy especially when I'm about to shower,anyway,
to this they all turned to look at me with the toothbrush still in my mouth
"What did you say?"
The guy behind me started,he probably didn't hear me properly from the toothbrush obscuring my speech,so I turned around to face him
"Get out" I shouted
By then some people had already gathered to watch, the guy then gives an annoyed look and goes:
"It's a Co-Ed dormitory, are you a primitive?"
OMG think fast,I decided to go with the truth, raising my hands in surrender and toothbrush still in my mouth, I said:
"I just moved in yesterday"
"Whatever" he says and walks away, man that was close, mental note: don't make conclusion before knowing the whole story,or in this case the valid facts. Thank God though, I wasn't in just a towel or something equally embarrassing. From there I went into my room and everyone else scurried to breakfast, which I would have to miss. BUMMER!!

Next day @ 3:45pm

"Shit, shit where the hell are they" I said as I was feeling my pockets and checking my laptop bag for my room keys. "Dammit" I seriously needed to get inside and print my papers for submission, it was due 4:05pm and coming back from home I was stuck in traffic, "oh my gaawwwwd" I left the keys at home,uuurrghh what do I do?,I can't drive back home, there's no time, as I stood there I heard someone coming into the dorm, oh! its the guy from yesterday morning:"hey
can you help me with something?" I said and he nodded as he stopped in front of his room.
"Do you have a printer?" I asked
"Yeah" he gave a dry reply
"Oh great, could use it?" I asked
"Why?" He asked back,looking interested
"My printer is locked in my room,please can I use yours" I pleaded
"Sure" he said
We stepped into he's room and I noticed that it was surprisingly clean and neat so I said:
"Nice room"
"Thanks, the printer is over there and I'm going to take a shower" he said as he plugged the charger into his phone
"OK cool"
I finished printing and left the guys' room,I didn't catch his name though, I'll probably ask him later and thank him for using his printer...So from there I went straight to the Science department to drop my paper. It was a report actually. Now I remember, dad was telling me that mum and him both agreed that now that I'm in college, I needed to get a life or they're going to throw away all my black clothes, they even suggested I get a boyfriend. My parents are definitely crazy but I can't let them throw away my black Nike windbreaker, that's a felony in my book!!

 College, Literally UntitledKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat