Lee got my car

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"The f*ck man?" I questioned as I was walking into the dorm,
"Just bring my car back you douche bag" I added. Seriously, Lee, my older brother was getting on my last nerves, I wouldn't have been this mad if  I wasn't soaking wet, and to top it off I didn't have and umbrella, it happened like this: I was in class when Lee called and asked to borrow my car, since Lee arrived for his visit, mum and dad have always been really busy with work and so their cars are always with them, yeah mum already found a non and dad didn't waste anytime establishing that the *boss* (himself) was in town, anyway so Lee decided that I wouldn't need my car and called me, being the idiot that I WASN'T I gave him my car, I didn't know what came over me at that time. I let Lee borrow my car when I knew I had several more classes and I didn't own an umbrella I did all this knowing perfectly well that there would be a huge storm, talk about summer storms, clouds were already gathering when I gave Lee my car and you get the point, anyway skip to present:
"Chill Jay, I'm on my way, I bet you're not really soaking wet, you're just exaggerating" Lees' annoying voice sounded through the phone
"Ohmygod Lee, I swear as soon as you get here, I'm gonna end your life" I shouted into the phone, and switched it off, just as Lee was about to say another one of his annoying remarks.

I stomp to my room and before going in I realise that Drew was leaning against his door looking at me intently, he was only in his sweatpants. At that point, I couldn't care less, I so needed a nice hot bath and some food so I opened my room door and stomped inside. When I was in the shower, all I could think about was food, so after I put on some really comfy clothes, I decided to go get some food, I check my phone and there's a text from Lee, maybe he's brought my car I thought. So I open the text to find:
"So sorry baby sis, something came up, gonna drop off your car first thing in the morning"
Oh my God, I cannot believe this idiot, how am I supposed to get my food now, oh he better take good care of that baby, my car is a grey Porsche and I freaking love that sweet piece of AI machine.
Oh my gawwd, this is the part where I call my friends to come pick me up, the only problem is I don't have any friends at the moment and I sure as hell can't call my parents, who should I call? I stand there outside my room as only one word fill my brain, FOOD!, I seriously needed food, there's only one person who I think can help at this point.

I walk to his room and my knuckles are inches from his door trying to knock, when the door is suddenly flung open and a shirtless Drew is standing there
I shift my weight awkwardly on my feet and he goes:
"Are you locked outside your room again?" To this I gave a little chuckle
"No, but that might as well be the case" I said after
"So what do you need this time?" He asked, by now, getting the impression that he was trying to go somewhere I moved to the side of the door seemingly making way for him
"Umm its kinda of a funny story" I said smiling stupidly
"How funny?" He asked, looking deadpan serious as he stepped out of the room and was facing me now
"You know I'd love to tell you this very funny story, but I'm really hungry, so are you game for some food right now, I'm paying!" I half say half shout, raising my voice at the end, from this he must've realised I was really hungry
"Sure you bet, just let me grab a shirt" Drew says as he steps back inside his room and returns a moment later with a white shirt on
"Um its raining!" I stated the obvious
"I know, so?" He questions, I was about to cry
"Can we at least take your car?" I asked looking hopeful, he must've caught on so he goes
"Oh yeah, sure" he says as he fishes his car keys out of his sweatpants pocket, wait what, I was also wearing sweatpants, but I had on an extra large white Nike hoodie and he had on a White Nike shirt, hold up, WTF, So we're going on uniform now huh??, OK I'm cool with it(not), why didn't I just wear my signature colour (black)
"Hey Jamie" Drew says flicking his fingers in front of my face, pulling me out of my daze
"Yeah, yeah, let's go" I say and walk past him
Drew and I are now standing in front of the dormitory, his car is at the parking lot, and its practically raining cats a dogs. Oh God don't let Drew think that this is a bad idea, I am so hungry right now, I'm eating the dense air around me, well at least I think I am.
"What are you doing?" Drew asks me, looking confused
"What,? I'm hungry!!" I say
"Whatever lets go" he says and I roll my eyes. He runs to his car with the speed of lightning and hops inside, damn that boy is fast,he has a dark blue Lambo hurricane, I just stand there and watch, I just came out of the rain and I ain't going back in there, no way, besides everyone knows you never get into the rain with a Nike hoodie, you never know what could happen to it and I sure as hell didn't wanna find out. Drew was in the car probably waiting for me , but I am not going. Suddenly the car is reversing and then he drives parallel to the dorm curb, I'm now standing in front of the passenger door of the Lambo, thank God, I quickly open the door and jump inside. Drew looks at me and shakes his head.
"Whaaat?" I asked innocently
"Nothing" he says and laughs inwardly
"Whatever" I say flatly. After a short while he asks:
"So where do you have in mind?"
"I don't know?" I replied honestly, I just wanted to go somewhere thar has food
"Seriously, you wanna get food but you don't where to go?" He asks looking annoyed
"Uh yeah, that's the whole reason I came to you"  I said, raising my eyebrows
"What about your friends?" He asks again
"I don't have any friends at the moment" I replied
"So you're a loner!" He states
"Not exactly" I tried not to stress
"What do you mean?" He asks
"You can't expect someone to move to another country, somewhere they've never been to all their life and just make new friends all of a sudden,its just difficult especially when scho... You know what, it's just what it is" I stopped as soon as I realised I was about let all my frustrations out on a total stranger
"Whoahhh okaaayyy....sorry for asking" he says
"No, I'm sorry, now where are we going again?" I ask, trying to change the subject
"We are going to McDonald's" He says cheerfully
As I turned to look at Drew, déjà vu hit me.

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