Meet and greet whatever

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It has been three weeks since I moved in and mom and dad are killing me. Parents can be very persistent when they want to be, they're telling me that I should really make some friends if I want to keep my black clothes, but being the last of four siblings when three are already working ,I'm spoilt, and they know it, so I can do anything I want.

Anyway the college faculty is having this orientation meet and greet, sort of, for the first years and I have to go, just to please you know who. So the first thing when I came back from my run, yes I do run, its not that I'm out of shape or anything, I'm actually a size four around the waist and 170cm in height and apparently running and keeping in shape is also a way of studying or something according to my dad, and mum practically force us to do it every afternoon. So after running I hit the shower then went to my room, since this dorm is Co-Ed, I now go to and from the bathrooms fully clothed either in my clothes or a bathrobe which is really long.

I go into my room and find my clothes, to me finding the right things to wear has never been a problem, I just pick whatever and wear it as long as its not torn or stained or torn and stained. I go for a pair of black skinny jeans and a  white Nike half-zip   It was pretty cold outside so I put on my varsity jacket, then I proceeded to fix my hair, I just do a ponytail, I have long chestnut hair and a ponytail is always my go to. After trying to debate with my self whether to not go or go. I ended up going for the latter alternative.

So I arrive at this address, I drove for 2 minutes, I should've just walked, anyway this is supposed to be one of the professors house, its within the school campus, some people are already inside and I see my moms' car, what the hell are they doing here?, mum is gonna roast me for dressing like this, she always wants me to put a little more effort into my dressing as if showering and fixing my hair is not enough effort, I walk into the room and everyone turns to look at me, dang it, oh here comes mum:
"Hi baby" mum greets me and hugs me
"Hey what are you doing here?" I asked
"Well, the school invited us since your pop used to teach here" she replied
"Oh cool okay, imma just go look for some people" I said as I tried to slip away
"Now you stay right there, how are you going to make new friends when you can't even dress up, let alone fix your hair" mum whispered and scolded me, OMG here we go
"Next time make an effort okay?" she says as she looks me up and down, this was one of those moments where I like to call *major face-palm moments*
" okay, whatever" I said, but not loud enough for her to hear the *whatever* bit, mum smiled at me and then pointed behind me
"Hey those people look about your age" she said, getting all bubbly, I swear mum is bipolar
"Mum all first year students here look about my age" I replied drily
"Oh stop being so grumpy and go say hi" mum said as she pushed me in their direction, as I got closer, OMG its that guy again, he's the last person I wanna talk to right now, I still owe him a *thank you* though, he's with some other girl, they see me and they turn towards me, well the atleast guy did, not the girl
"Hi, I believe we haven't officially met, I'm Jamie O'Blanc, and that's my mom staring at me" I said pointing to my mom because I could literally feel her stare
"Oh look its printer girl" the guy says looking at me
"Wait, this is the.... Yeah I can tell" the girl said staring at me
"Yeah I am and I'm sure you can" I said sarcastically, smiling politely at her, the guy caught the sarcasm and gave a light chuckle
"Anyway, I'm Dr.." The guy started but she cut him off
"It's okay baby I got this, he's Drew and I'm his girlfriend" she stated, pointing to herself
"Oh cool, well umm Drew, Thank-you for letting me use your printer, and *his girlfriend* nice to meet you" I said, smiling at both of them,I had to keep talking with them because I could sense mum still staring so I asked:
"So are we all at the same dorm or what?"
"Umm No!, I'm on a different dorm, but I visit Drew every chance I get which is everyday so I'm practically at the same dorm too as you guys" *his girlfriend* says with a raised eyebrow
"Yeah, what she said" Drew said plainly
" okay, I got you" I said, giving them each a knowing look, Drew suddenly turned red:
"No,its not like that" Drew tried to protest
"Oh come on Drew, its exactly like that!, why are you suddenly embarrassed? she's no different from other people" *his girlfriend* scoffed
"Uh okay for the record, I wasn't thinking anything, so don't sweat...and umm ciao" I said as I made a peace sign and backed away. I went straight for the punch since all the talking made me thirsty, I swear I could've finished the whole bowl, it was awesome.

The night went well for the most part of it and mom didn't bother me again after I talked to Drew and *his girlfriend* I went home and slept like a log. I think the punch had alcohol or I hallucinated.

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