jaemin - wedding: part one - ✦

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The windows were open and the breeze flowed through your curtains. A couple minutes ago, you had forced yourself up and out of bed.

Today, you had a wedding to go to. Your sister's wedding to be exact. She and Jaehyun had been dating for four years before he proposed to her in Aruba, right next to the clear, blue sea.

As your sister's maid-of-honor, you practiced your speech to give, rehearsing the lines multiple times. The ceremony would be in a matter of hours but you decided it would be best to go to your sister's house right away.

"Nicki! I'm here!" you shouted across the house, alerting your sister of your presence. Down from the staircase came your older sister, wearing jeans and a plain tee, barefaced. Before she could utter a word, you ushered her towards your car, ready to drive off to the venue.

"Come on, Nicki! It's your wedding day and we can't afford to be late!" you exclaimed as you stepped down a little harder on the gas pedal. Nicki chuckled.

"I can't believe I get to marry the most beautiful man on earth-"

"Ok Mrs. Jung, we get it. You're so head over heels in love with your soon-to-be husband."

You laughed at her bright red face and pulled into the parking lot of the grand hall your sister were to be wed in. Before you could walk any further into the building, you were greeted with the groom of the century.

"Hey baby~" he cooed at your sister.
"Hello, my soon-to-be husband."

You gagged at their actions, but deep down you were extremely happy that your sister found someone to spend her life with.

"I can't wait to see you in your dress," Jaehyun responded with his dimply smile. You butted in.

"Mr. Jung, I'm gonna have to steal my sister from you so you can actually see this dress on her."

"I'm sure you'll do a great job, Ms. Y/N. After all, my baby looks good in anything she puts on."

"Okay Nicki, let's just yeet out of here," you responded awkwardly as you pulled your sister into the large dressing room for all of the bridesmaids to fit. Nicki sat down with the other bridesmaids while you pulled out the beautiful dress you helped her pick out. The other bridesmaids gasped.

"That dress is gorgeous, Nicki," Wendy squealed. Irene and Jamie exchanged compliments with Nicki over the gown in the midst of the fangirling.

You gathered the rest of the accessories for the bridesmaids from your several duffel bags. The last thing you needed were the bouquets.

"Being a coordinator is hard," you thought, realizing you had forgotten the flowers in your car.

"Nicki, I forgot the bouquets in the car. I'm gonna go get them real quick," you said.
"Ok, be back soon!" you heard before you walked out of the room and stepped out of the large doors of the banquet hall.

"Hey," a voice greeted you. Startled, you jumped and turned around to see a familiar boy wearing a suit.

"Jaemin! I told you not to scare me like that!"

"I can't help it! It's way too much fun seeing you jump three feet in the air," he chuckled.

You and Jaemin had been friends ever since sophomore year of high school after realizing he was your sister's boyfriend's soon-to-be band mate. Since then, you had been hanging out with Jaemin and his friends at SOPA, as well as Hyunjin, Daehwi, and Jeongin. You and Jaemin had gotten extremely close over the four years since you met. Especially considering you had been there during his hiatus due to his back problems, visiting him after school everyday to deliver homework and his favorite snacks. After he came back with "Go" last year, you saw a completely different side of him. But deep down you knew he was the little squish he had always been, making you fall for him harder. You hadn't confessed yet; you didn't have any confirmation of his feelings. As far as you knew, he saw you as his best friend, advisor, and supporter. And now he was the groomsman you were paired up with for the rest of the night.

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