jaemin - wedding: part two - ✦

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After the long ass ride (a/n: pun intended), everyone climbed out of the limo and made their way towards the hotel rooms to chill out for a while. The reception would be starting in three hours, giving you enough time to relax with Jaemin before heading to the venue to check that everything was okay.

"Here we have everyone's rooms," you said, leading the group down the long corridor you reserved for everyone. "If you would like to make changes or switch your room, then just tell me about it so I'm aware." Everyone nodded but you could sense that no one here needed nor wanted to change their room.

"Room 100, Johnny and Chungha." You handed them their room key. You went down the list in your hand, giving out the room keys as the couple walked by to get to their room.

"And last but definitely not least, the bride and groom staying in room 110." You gave Nicki their keycard.

"Where are you and Jaemin staying?" Nicki asked. You already knew her intentions on flustering you. Thankfully, you were fully prepared for that.

"Jaemin and I will be staying in room 109. Right next to yours. I'm hoping you won't wake us up at night," you said with a wink. It was your sister's and Jaehyun's turn to be flustered. Nicki buried her face into Jaehyun's chest as he did the same into her hair. You and Jaemin laughed and high-fived before heading off to your own room.

As soon as you got inside the room, you flopped on the bed, taking off your suffocating shoes. Jaemin chuckled at your exhaustion, laying down in the bed next to you. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. It was times like these where you wondered. Did he have the same feelings you did? You brushed that thought off and just embraced him back, enjoying the moment.

"Y/N. Y/N." You woke up to your name being repeated several times.

"What is it?" You had forgotten what day it was and you were grumpy because you had been woken up from your nap.

"It's time to go to the reception," Jaemin said softly. You jolted awake suddenly, grabbing his hand and pulling him along with you. Everyone was waiting outside the hotel, climbing into the limo. You and Jaemin hopped inside with the others.

You heard questions like "where were you guys?" and "what took so long?" Jaemin pulled you into his chest just like he did in the hotel room. This time, it was in front of everyone. Blood rushes to your face and the bridesmaids snickered.

"Were you guys up there smooching?" You turned to look at Jamie with wide eyes as she wiggles her eyebrows. You quickly denied her remark.

"NO! Um, nothing like that!"

"So just cuddling then?" You were about to deny her again, but you realized she was right. You HAD been cuddling Jaemin. Before you could answer, the limo driver opened the door, letting all of you out to start the introductions at the reception.

You and Jaemin were called into the room last. You had prepared a small entrance with him and he took your hand, running into the room when you heard your names. You made your way to the middle of the dance floor and you helped Jaemin do a backflip. You were about to spin when you stepped on your dress and slipped, sending you towards the ground. You anticipated the hard wooden floor of the room, but you never felt it. You opened your eyes to meet Jaemin's sparkling ones. The world seemed to go silent and time stood still. You were pulled out of your trance by Jaemin pulling you back up and out of his arms, ushering you towards the table for the bridesmaids and groomsmen. For a second there, you thought his world stopped too.

"Maybe not," you thought. Your thoughts were cut short by an announcement you all waited for.

"Now everyone, please welcome the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. Jung!" Nicki and Jaehyun made their way towards the long table near the front of the room, smiling wide at one another. The rest of the night consisted of party games, laughter, food, and celebration.

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