one road apart : taeyong - ✦

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[requested] ~ cryinginnctzen
thank you for the request and i'm genuinely sorry it took such a long time :'(


Yongie's Flower Shop and Rosie's Tattoo Parlor was one road apart; across the street from one another. A simple walk would bring you from one service to the other. Yet, the two owners had never met. Lee Taeyong and Y/N L/N — going by the names of Yong and N/N — had not crossed paths ever since the two opened up their own shops across from each other. Of course Y/N had noticed Taeyong. After all, who wouldn't want to look out the window and see a beautiful person? But being such an introvert, she hadn't worked up the courage to talk to him.

Taeyong's sharp, dark features were the best Y/N had ever seen, though they deeply contrasted the aura his shop gave off — a homey little flower shop filled with roses and other arrangements in the middle of the busy city of Seoul.

In everyone's eyes, Y/N contrasted her tiny parlor as well. Y/N herself had not gotten any tattoos, though she had a fair amount of piercings. She would try different styles every day; dresses, jeans, hoodies. Mostly anything she felt like. She had a warm smile and a pure image, contradicting the fact that she was the owner of a tattoo shop in Seoul. Her shop had a wooden interior with cushions as seats. She wanted her shop to welcome the customer, therefore making it comfy with supplies on the ground. The walls were covered in inspirations for tattoos that Y/N added to every day. Soon, a new addition would be added to the wall. One she would get from across that one road.


{Y/N's POV}
"Thanks for the aweeeesome tattoo," she slurred. Basically, a girl walked in drunk to get a tattoo and now she was walking out with a beautiful flower inked on her arm. She had asked for me to tattoo a picture of her ex-boyfriend but I decided to do her future self a favor.

"My pleasure, girl!" I smiled brightly at her, happy to have given her a unique pattern, even if she wasn't sober enough to fully think through her decision. I couldn't deprive her of it though.

When she left my shop, I followed her actions after shutting off the lights and closing up for the night. I stepped out into the cool night air, shivering as the breeze hit my skin. Looking down both sides of the road, each shop had been shut carefully, pitch black painting the interiors. All except for the flower shop across the street.

Maybe I'll visit. That way I can get more inspiration for more drunk people's tattoos.

I chuckled to myself at the thought while making my way across the street.


{Yong's POV}
I stepped out of my homey little shop. The day was long and slow today like some days were. Only a small old lady had visited the shop, buying a bunch of daisies for her daughter. I slipped the key into the lock when I felt a presence behind me.


{3rd Person POV}
"Hey, I'm Y/N. I know it's late and you're closing up but could i take a look for just a second?" Yong couldn't resist the sweet sound of her voice and chuckled, pulling the key out of the lock and opening the door once again.

She smiled at him and walked inside, Yong following close behind her. She strolled around the boutique, snapping quick pictures of the flowers that stuck out to her the most.

After a few silent minutes of wandering around the shop, Y/N went to find Yong to notify him that she was done looking around.

"Find anything you like?" A voice from behind her startled her.

"There were many things I liked here."

"Are you going to buy anything?" There was a short pause before she answered.

"Maybe next time. Yong right?" She questioned even though she already knew his name for sure.

"That's me," he beamed.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N."


After that day, Yong started seeing Y/N more often. Though every time she would visit, she would just take pictures of the bouquets, flash a smile, and leave shortly after. He always wondered why she didn't buy anything, although she visited so often. One day he worked up the courage to ask her what she did for a living. Maybe it had something to do with the flowers.

"Y/N, right?" Yong said as he stepped up next to her, admiring the same bouquet she had been taking photos of.

"Yep. That's me."

"I'm sorry for prying but i'm just curious, what do you do for a living?" She paused, then gazed outside the window across the street. She nodded her head to her parlor and spoke.

"I work across the street over there as a tattoo artist. Usually giving tattoos to younger adults and people who've had a little too much to drink." He chuckles at her joke. He looked out the window towards the parlor until Y/N's voice broke through his thoughts.

"Could you tell me what kind of flowers these are? What do they represent?" It was Yong's specialty to tell the customers the meaning of the vibrant plants. With no hesitation, he shared all of his knowledge on the flower she pointed to.

"Those? Those are tulips, red ones to be exact. They're a declaration of love."

"That's sweet. Bestseller for confessions I bet." They shared a laugh and discussed the other flowers. Y/N loved how each flower had its own meaning and story, and enjoyed the company of Taeyong, who spilled his pride and passion into every new meaning and story he told.


One day, Yong was feeling a little impulsive and decided to get a tattoo. Him and Y/N had been talking for a good while now, long enough to declare themselves as close friends. Little did she know, whenever she visited his shop, his heart fluttered. Not only at the thought of sharing his knowledge to someone else, but the thought of her presence and company. He realized he had never visited her at work as she did to him.

Slipping off his apron, Yong handed his shift over to his good friend Yuta while he made his way across the street. When he walked in, the bell jingled, signaling someone has entered the parlor. Y/N walked out only to find Yong standing at the front desk.

"Hey! You didn't tell me you were coming in for a tattoo!"

"I just got impulsive last minute."

They laughed and moved past the front desk and headed to the back. It was then he realized that her parlor was decorated with bouquets from his shop.

"When did you buy these?"

"You weren't on your shift whenever I went to go purchase them. I figured you would walk in here and find out one day," she smiled. "Now, what tattoo would you like?"

He thought for a moment. "A red tulip, please."

"You have someone's name in mind that you might want to write inside?"


Y/N tried her best not to frown when he said this, but pressed on in curiousity.

"Whose?" She looked up to notice a light pink dusting his cheeks. He looked up at her with a glint in his eyes as he spoke.

updated: october 9th, 2019
1252 words

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