"Just best friends"

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Lilia Buckingham has to be one of the greatest people on planet Earth. Literally. I was just thinking of going out (and no I didn't tell anyone) and the next thing you know she's calling me and asking if I want to go shopping. I LOVE THIS GIRL. Of course, we're going to take pictures together because I absolutely love seeing fan edits of the two of us. Although I do think it's a bit awkward sometimes to know that some people truly see us as a couple I mean cmon guys, we're just best friends, nothing more.

Even if I was gay, I would be the last person that Lilia would date. She would be so far out of my league, with those gorgeous green eyes, dreamy smile, those LEGS, and soft plump lips. Not in a gay way though, in a friendly way. Sometimes I do consider the fact that I could possibly be attracted to girls, but the only girl I can really think of is Lilia, but she just my best friend so... nope, not gay!

It's almost my 16th birthday and I've never been more excited about something in my life. Another year closer to legally being allowed to vote! Sounds weird, I know. but there's just something about knowing that you get to choose who represents you just excites me, and Lilia is just like that too.

The amount of time I spend with Lilia is insane. I'm currently going on day 4 of sleeping over and I don't even care. If it was anyone else, of course, I wouldn't have overstayed my welcome, but Jane always tells me she thinks of me as a daughter which makes Lilia and I technically sisters, but also not sisters, because there are certain things that I just prefer to keep to myself.

Like for one, my gay thoughts. I don't want to sound like a bitch, but I never saw myself as possibly being gay, I have no problems with it by any means, but when it comes to me and my "thoughts" I just try to tell myself its normal. I went out and bought a journal and decided to keep a tally every time I had one of my "thoughts" and I literally think I might be at 50 and it's the 4th day. I've watched almost every youtubers coming out story, and started listening to King Princess. But the thing is, I have no one to talk to this about that would understand, except Lilia, but I'm so scared.

I remember when she first came out. She cried for hours even though her parents and brother were extremely supportive and acted as if it was normal. I mean, I know it's normal but you know what I mean. And when she told me I really wasn't shocked, I've seen the way she looks at Madalaine Petsch... But ever since she recently came out publicly, I just couldn't get the thought out of my head, the possibility that I, Emily Skinner, might be a raging homosexual.

Song for the chapter: Same Love- Macklemore

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