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❉time skip a week (you didn't actually sleep for a week tho, although i would love to do that, or just never wake up you know?)❉

ok me and bel have been thot hunting for the whole week and we are currently waiting for them to get out of the movies. them being bakuhoe, mina, kirishima, kaminari, todoroki, toru, tsu, sato, and midoriya (oooh spicy).

"how much longer?" i ask. "like 10 more minutes." and so we waited 10 minutes and saw them walk out of the theater, arguing about the movie. me and bel decided to follow them to their next destination, a cafe. they got in one booth and we got into the one next to them. "hey, we haven't heard from [name] in a while, do you think we should text her?" i my eyes widened as me and bel rushed to turn the phone on silent, and that process wasn't silent, i hit my elbow really hard on the table and i swear they looked over at me. once it was on silent we waited.


would you look at that.

【el thots】

pinky: hey [name]! we haven't talked in a while, what's up?

sero: yah, where you been?

mystery owo: actually........ i'm in japan right now. i've been trying to get adjusted to the time change, oof.

broccoli baby: really!!? we could meet!

mystery owo: i think it's actually better not to, just so i can stalk you guys.

pikabitch: cmon, your so close i can practically smell you ;)

mystery owo: bitch what? *nervous laughter*

icyhot: oh my god

mystery owo: what?

icyhot: your 'nervous laughter'

mystery owo: what about it

icyhot: that means your close.

mystery owo: whaaaat no i'm not

icyhot: you can't hide.... i will find you....

pinky: and i will hug you

mystery owo: ok yeah, so what if i do you know what cafe your at, and what booth your sitting in. i'll never admit it.

icyhot: YOUR THAT CLOSE?!??!!?!?

mystery owo: maybe. ok bye thots, imma hide now.

since me and bel didn't buy anything, we yeeted outta there real quick.

❀tsu pov❀

"did you guys see that?" i asked. "yeah, yeah i did." mina responded. "AFTER THEM!!!" was all i heard before i blinked and all my friends were gone.

❀[name] pov❀

we ran so fucking fast, we literally could be in the olympics, i swear. after we ran out they started chasing, but luckily bel has an amazing quirk and teleported is otta there.

"[name] what the hell?!?" bel screamed, "what!? i wanted give them a hint!" "yeah, but what if one of them saw your face?!??" "oh, i didn't think about that..." "you clearly don't think about things much." then i skrted to my room before bel could beat my ass. 

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