Romantic!Cicero x Reader

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Thank you, mizuki_sukigara! I hope you enjoy, I tried my best.

I was laying down on my bed, sketching random stuff that came to mind on a roll of paper with my charcoal. Cicero came in and sat beside me.

"That's a lovely drawing, Listener!" He said with his cheery voice with an even cheerful grin.

"Oh, thank you!" I responded, and sat up so he was more comfortable.

"The Listener is very talented." Cicero casually gets out minty gum, this is gonna be fun~

"Aww, Cicero is very talented as well." I flirted back.

"No, no, he's not. Not compared to the great Listener." Cicero flirted.

"Oh shut up...I'm not great!"

"You are. Believe Cicero, he's seen some weird people." He grumbled. I chuckled and wrapped my arm around him. He wrapped both his arms around me waist and slowly pushed me down.

"C-Cicero....what are you-" He placed his soft lips on mine and I melted into the kiss.

"Cicero loves the Listener. Very, very, very, very much~" He whispered.

"Y/n loves the Keeper. Very, very, very much." I felt him lay next to me and I smiled. I laid on his chest, feeling his chest rise, then fall in a calming sequence.

"Y/n?" Cicero's voice broke the five second silence.

"Yes, Cicero?"

"Why does the Listener act so different around me...?" The question caught me off guard for a second. He does know I love him, right...?

"Cicero. You know I am in love with you?" I asked, sitting up and propping myself with my elbows. He smirked.

"Yes, I do know. But, you have yet to prove that."

"How am I supposed to prove it? I already kissed you back.." Suddenly I was pulled on top of him.

"Prove it~" He purred in my ear. My face felt warm, and I nervously smiled. I buried my red face into the crook of his neck. He smiled and stroked my hair.

"Cicero loves the Listener more, I see." Cicero sighed.

"That's not true." I kissed him on the lips, and he kissed back. He nipped at my lip, and I pulled back in surprise.


"I talked to your friend Teldryn Sero. W-wait, what innocence?" My face heated up more.

"Well frick." He kissed me and I kissed back.  He wrapped his arm around my waist, and grabbed my hand. I wrapped on arm around his neck, and intertwined our fingers. We separated the kiss and smiled.

"That reminds me, Cicero brought you flowers." He handed me f/f (Favorite flower). I smiled more and it turned into a grin. I grabbed them and sniffed them, they smelled so sweet. I placed one behind my ear, and felt a blush once again form across my face.

"Cicero loves you." Cicero said while stroking my hair.

"I love you too, Cicero." Cicero rested his head on mine, and we fell asleep like that.


"I'm telling you, they're a couple." Babette said to the Redguard.

"Sure, OH GOODNESS WOW." He saw Cicero and I cuddling on my bed, and started taking pictures, sending them to the others, and Babette laughed her little vampiric head off.

495 words~ <3

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