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Piles upon piles of contracts cluttered my desk, most of them for the films I would be doing a few months from now. The topmost contract was for the movie I would be starring in in a week. Give or take. Whenever production will be ready.

My office was currently situated on the fiftieth floor of Goulding Film Productions, a company owned by my family for at least twenty years, breeding big names in Hollywood. I could have been on the uppermost floor but I still have my dad as the CEO so I was still under him at this point. But when I reach the ample age of twenty-five, my father will be handing over the company to me. At least that's what he said ever since I showed some interest in the industry. And I'm holding him to that promise.

The walls of my office were a shade that looked like the combination of a blue and a grey, with a carpet on top of the wood floor panelings. My desk was right in the center of everything, directly in front of the floor to ceiling glass windows that gave me the perfect view of New York City. Adorning the walls, I had various movie posters (from films that I starred in that happened to be blockbuster hits). While on the far corner, the lot of my awards and trophies and nominations were placed alongside each other on a shelf.

I was currently in my office, sifting through paperwork on upcoming projects I could partake in. My PR, who just so happened to be my uncle, gave me the liberty to choose my own projects since I first joined the industry. He believed that I can make great decisions all by myself. And I was grateful for that freedom and I definitely put it to good use. Most of my blockbuster hits, were projects that I chose according to my own free will.

My eyes were running across the expanse of the view New York had to offer me from my windows when the door to my office burst open, all signs of my prior peace lost. In came my PR, or to put it another way, my uncle.

Cristopher Goulding used to be a famed actor of his time. The three movies that he starred in grossed over 200 million dollars, more or less. After his third movie, he quit the industry and decided to be a PR. Although his fans were disappointed for the lack of future content, they did not question his choice because he was very good at keeping up good appearances.

At the time uncle joined Public Relations, that was when my father entered the spotlight and enlisted his brother for help. Being a great big brother, Uncle Cristopher decided to help out my dad. And they've had a partnership going until now.

Since then my father has earned millions and has starred in a lot of movies that grossed at least a hundred million. He was a household name. So then (twenty years ago), they decided to co-own Goulding Film Productions together. The home of the best PRs and the best actors and actresses out there and produced the best movies.

Now with my dad about to go into retirement, he's about to leave his legacy to me. Bearing the Goulding family name with me, I would have a reputation to uphold.

I gotta say, I've had blockbuster films of my own. And that's something I'm very proud of. Despite me being young, it was obvious I had talent (not to mention a huge net worth).

Even though I'm just twenty-two years old, I had money that I could use to provide for myself. I had my own house and cars, and enough money to buy a couple more of those too.

Cristopher Goulding strolled into my office like he owned the place (technically he did but let's not dwell on that) and sat down on one of the chairs opposite my desk. From his face alone, I could tell he was all business.

"So production just called, and they said the sets are ready," he began. I inwardly groaned. "I thought I'd have this week free. I remember them say that shooting wouldn't start until next week," I argued.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Well the date of the premiere has been moved up, so filming would have to also start earlier than planned," he explained.

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