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Chapter 6: Falling Down Cold (A.K.A. Exploring Gone Wrong 2)

"I'm... still confused." I say. It's the middle of the night, and everyone's awake thanks to Cathy's... great idea. It's been a few months since I fell, and it's winter. 

"Do I need to spell it for you?" Cathy demands, "W E space A R E space G O I N G space E X P L O R I N G."

"Cathy, stop patronizing him!" Betty orders, "He has a right to not want to go. Especially after last time."

"Geez, it was just a little fall." Cathy grumbles.

"A little fall?!" Katelyn exclaims. "He fell down a fricken ravine! Betty is right, Aaron has a right to not go if he doesn't want to."

"Aaron won't want to stay put though." Aphmau sighs.

"How about we split up then." Vylad suggests. "Cathy, Betty, Katelyn, and I will continue exploring the path with the ravine. Aaron, Aphmau, Garroth, and Jenny can go in the opposite direction. Kawaii~chan, Zane, and Lucinda can stay here."

"Fine. Let's all meet back here in an hour, and we can compare what we found." Katelyn adds.

"Sounds good to me." I say.

Everyone agrees, and so we split up.

Aphmau whistles a cheery tune as we walk. Jenny hums along. I look around, observing the surroundings, while Garroth follows, not really doing anything.

"Is there anything we're looking for in particular?" Jenny asks.

"No, I'm pretty sure we're just scouting." Garroth replies.

"Kawaii~chan wants to know if there are any wolves around." Aphmau says.

"Considering the fact that we're in a forest, I'm surprised we haven't seen any wolves yet." I sigh.

"Don't jinx it..." Aphmau replies.

Of course, that was followed by a howl.

"Why are we exploring in the middle of the night again?" Jenny asks.

"Good question." Garroth says.

Aphmau looks around, fearfully almost.

"Uh... maybe we should head back..." she says shakily.

"Are you kidding?! No way, this is fun!" Garroth cheers.

"I would agree with you normally, but Cathy would have our heads on a stake if we came back to camp earlier then she said..." Jenny sighs, "I'd rather not deal with an angry Cathy..."

Aphmau looks at me hopefully. I don't say anything.

"O-okay..." she mumbles. 

"I can walk you back if you want..." I offer.

"N-no, it's fine... I'll stay..." she says. I nod, and we continue on.

About half an hour later, we hear another howl, but louder this time. Aphmau squeals, and jumps closer to me. Jenny does the same. Garroth raises an eyebrow at me.

'Help' I mouth at him. He shakes his head. 

That's when the wolf decides to show up. 

Everyone freezes.

It's... like a staring contest, but scarier.

"Back away, slowly." I say finally. 

We do, the wolf snaps at us. 

Garroth steps on a stick. It cracks. 

Good job Garroth. 

The wolf barks, and starts chasing us. The girls (and Garroth) scream and we all run.

"WHERE ARE WE RUNNING TO?!" Jenny yells.


It is pretty big...

"HEY, DOWN HERE!" Garroth calls. We follow him down, sliding into a hole. Aphmau trips, running into me, and the two of us tumble down in a pile. 

Great job me, tripping and running right into Aaron. 

There's a lot of rocks and sediment on the way down, so by the time we reach the bottom of the hole, we are both covered bruises, scratches, and a few cuts. 

I blink a couple times to clear my vision, and realize Aaron is on top of me, pinning me down.

My face heats up, and his turns slightly pink.

"Are you okay?" He asks, worriedly.

"Y-yeah, but... c-can you get off me?" I squeak. He blushes more, and stands up, holding out his hand. I sit up and take it, and he pulls me onto my feet. 

Garroth and Jenny slide down, and stop next to us. 

"Are you okay?!" Jenny exclaims in worry.

"We're fine, just a bit bruised..." I say.

"Bruised?! Your bleeding!" Garroth exclaims, "Does anyone have any bandages?!" 

"Honestly Garroth, I'm fine. Just... need some water." I assure him. He sighs, but nods. 

"What about you?" Jenny turns to Aaron, "Are you okay?"

"I'll survive." Aaron replies. "We have bigger problems anyway. Where are we?" 

"Good question..." I sigh, turning. 

"A cave. Duh." Garroth says. I shove him lightly.

"We know that! But which cave? How do we get out?" I ask.

"I would suggest climbing, but..." Aaron trails off.

"Yeah, no." I shake my head, "How about we start with setting up a place to sleep? Then work on a way to get out."

I wasn't expecting them to agree with me, but everyone nodded and got to work. Aaron and Garroth pushed rocks together and Jenny and I looked around for matressing.

Of course, all we ended up with are a few pieces of dark to make the cold rock ground just slightly softer...

Well, at least it's still possible to sleep.


~In all honesty, I am very happy to be back.

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