I call yaoi!!!

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(this one is in my imagination, for all the people who requested a sebaciel)

Me:*walking through garden when I see grell hiding in a tree* psstt grell!

grell: w-what whos there?! *falls out tree* awwwwww

me: *laughing hysterically* come ere ya big dummy! :D

grell: whadda ya want red head *fluffs my hair*

me:*glares * who are you calling red head!

grell: oh yeah...well,any way how can I be of service?

me: you see that window *points to ciels study*

grell: ahh, sebas-chan!! *goes into dream land*

me: well anyway airhead, I wanna prank ciel can you help?

grell: as long as its not me being pranked im in!

me: awesome!  *whispers plan in ear*

grell:* eyes glint* gotcha

*prank time*

grell: oh sebastian!!! *smirks and jumps up and down* look its me! your lover! grell, the fabulous!

sebastian:*looks down from window and rolls eyes* thats it. im sorry young master but I must leave you for a moment, I have vermin to vanquish. *jumps down from window*

grell: well its working at least *starts to run*

sebastian: every god damn week! * runs after him* get back here you vilanous reaper!

me:*sneaks into ciels study without him noticing, dressed as sebastian* I am *cough* uhh sorry young master for taking so long. now I will put you too bed.

ciel: *looks up from desk* why? its only two in the afte-

me: *picks up bridal style* because im cool.*carries to room*

*now, my plan was to make ciel think sebastian had feelings for him...it was going to be priceless.*

ciel:*kicks and screams* put me down sebastian!!!

me: *puts down and locks bedroom door* young master...I....um...well you see..

ciel: 0_o what is it sebastian? *backs up to wall*

me: I...I...wanna...I wanna fuck you in the ass!!!!!

ciel: *dumbfounded*

me: because I think your damn sexy, master ciel....daaammnnn fiinneee *smirks and pins against wall*

ciel: *blushes* well..actually...I..I. feel the same sebastian..will you be..my first? *bites lip*

me: *sweat drops* OMG I CALL YAOI!!

ciel: so does that mean that..youl..take me? *blushes bright red and looks away*

me: uu-uh yea..ill be right back... be ready for me..*has another evil plan*

ciel: um ok..ill be ready for you..

me:*takes of disguise* omg, I should get the real sebastian to go in..and ciel will think....that sebastians gonna..pahahaha!

sebastian: *walks up corridor, sees me laughing like a maniac* 0_o ookay...*goes into ciels bedroom*

master ciel...why are you..wai-

me: Three,two, one *starts to run*

sebastian : JASMIN!!!!! *runs after me* you are in biiiggg trouble now missy!

me:oh shiittt!

kuroshitsuji randomness (my messed up imagination)Where stories live. Discover now