uno | part three

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felix pulls his coat tighter around him, the biting cold stinging his nose and eyes. he sighed, mind spinning with questions and confusion. why was jisung doing this? what happened? he fiddled absent-mindedly with his mask as he turned a corner, eyeing the buildings lining the street. he reaches the door he was searching for, pressing in the keycode and pushing the door open before pushing the door open and slipping in. he ran up the stairs, making his way to a familiar door, knocking and standing, fidgeting nervously in the doorway.

a head of mussed black hair appeared around the door when it opened, accompanied soon by a bright smile when the owner recognised felix. he ushered him inside, asking how he is, bright english filling the entry. felix smiled but he thinks it came out as more of a grimace as he sees the smile being offered falter. "hey kevin," he started "um- I'm good- just, is jisung here? I thought maybe-"

"yep! he came in about an hour ago. he should be inside with haknyeon, I think they're watching a movie"
Kevin offered a more hesitant smile, eyes curious but not intruding. "is there something wrong? he was planning on staying the night, I assumed you guys would have known"

felix let's out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. he smiles more genuinely this time. "its okay, I just need to have a word with him"
kevin just nodded, not prying, and led felix inside before making his way back out of the room, probably to get back to whatever he had been doing before. felix stifled a laugh when he saw haknyeon already passed out on the couch, but it fell when he saw jisung pressed into the armchair, arms wrapped around himself protectively. he gazed into emptiness with brooding eyes and bitten, pursed lips, movie buzzing on the tv well and truly forgotten.

felix cleared his throat but jisung offered no reaction. he rolled his eyes before approaching the smaller boy, a reassuring smile adorning his face as jisung blinked up to meet his gaze. he gave a pained smile for a second before it quickly dropped off. felix nudged his head in the direction of the hall and jisung nodded, not without a deep sigh leaving his lips.

when they were alone, felix looked at jisung expectantly, only to find the boy looking anywhere but the other. "sungie?"
jisung gave a soft hum in response. felix sighed for what felt like the a hundredth time in the last hour. it seemed this was not going to be easy. "sung, you know what this is about"

suddenly arms were wrapped around felix's torso and jisung was pressing his face into his shoulder, crying softly. felix started for a moment before settling his arms around jisungs form. they stayed like that for a little while, kevin sticking his head out the door to check on them, casting felix a worried glance but retreating into his room at the australian's reassuring smile.

after a few minutes jisung raised his head, pulling himself back slightly, lifting one hand to wipe away his tears. he let out a shaky breath as felix traced circles into his back soothingly. "...sung?"
jisung gave a sad smile, shaking his head a little.
"jisungie you know you can tell me anything. what happened?" felix's eyes searched the smaller's. they stayed fixed on a space a little to the left of felix's face.

"sung...why are you lying to jinnie? why on earth would you say you've been cheating on him?"
jisung didn't reply and felix sighed.
"I found your notebook"
at that jisung flinched. his eyes flew up to meet felix's. "love songs sungie. you've been writing love songs. why would you say you've been cheating on him in that time? what's gotten into you?"

tears started running down jisung's face again. felix pulled him back towards him as they returned to the position they were in moments before. the smaller boy mumbled something intelligible into felix's shoulder. "what was that?"
jisung pulled back, sniffling. "I had to end it. how else would he start getting over me?"
at felix's look of confusion, jisung sighed and wiped his face again, pulling himself out of the other's embrace.

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