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I woke up earlier that day, it was 9 in the morning and Lucy was sleeping soundlessly in my arms. I quickly get up to go to the toilet, still half asleep. And whilst I was pissing my mind finally processed what just happened Between Lucy and I and something that didn't happened.
I sit my naked body down on the toilet, why the fuck didn't I atleast run down to the store and get some. Why am I so stupid.... maybe Lucy on the magic pill... no I doubt it I've never seen her take them and that was obviously her first time. Out first time and fuck.
Okay okay.
I'm just going to go back into bed with Lucy and deal with this when she wakes up.
I then slide myself back in and watch Lucy sleep. She was so beautiful. My heart ache greatly. I tried to fall asleep but thoughts kept going though my brain.
We had sex. We didn't use protection. We aren't married. We are only 19. What if she gets pregnant. All these thoughts that my brain wouldn't of had over 3 months ago. But gradually without realising I fell myself back to sleep while holding Lucy close to me
Yes I'm going straight after the last one coz why not and yes my writing shit house but hey it would get 100 views in a year then all of a sudden it would get heaps. But then again that may not happen but you're reading this far so obviously means I've done something right or u r bored asf
Oh and yes changing POV back to happy
I started flying through magnolia towards Lucy house. I bet she stayed up all night writing her novel again and is no sleeping in. I shortly then see her apartment. I know that recently she got a lock on her window to stop intruders (Natsu) from barging in so maybe I'll just stop by and look in to make sure she's alright.
I then fly towards her window and look in.
That's when I saw two naked bodies. My mind was shocked. Oh my god! What have I looked upon! Wait does that mean... Oh wow does Lucy have a boyfriend? But then as I came to look close to saw that the second naked body was infact. Natsu!

I soon fly myself up soon noticing that even though it was super warm on this bed the blankets weren't on, and then to notice that Natsu naked body was wrapped around me and THEN to notice happy, flying outside the window. In shock. My body froze I didn't know what to do.  I saw Natsu starting to wake up.
"Natsu.... Natsu wake up. Look out the window" I hissed towards him. His groggy eyes slowly started to awaken. He first smiled at me and gave me a small kiss on the forehead, to then finally turn around to face the window to also see happy, and I could swear for a second I could feel his body go cold.
"Natsu. What do we do. We can't just leave happy out there!" I whisper to his head.

"Yes ... ummm..." he was lost for words and then soon about happy flew away.
"Fuck... that's another problem I have to deal with" he muttered as he collapsed on the bed.
I look at his toned body towards his distressed face to know something wasn't right.
"Natsu what do you mean another?" I touch his face softly with concern. He signed and slowly sat up.
"The other being that we didn't use protection last night"
my heart dropped. Shit.


Happy is now distressed flying around, not knowing what to do, what to say, or what to think.

It's not like they did anything wrong. They must of just been keeping there relationship a secret right? They wouldn't just do the dirty for no reason. But like what would the guild think? We have never been a very sexual active guild. Sorcery weekly give us shit about it especially when they had an interview with all us members and found out ever one of our strongest members that don't have children are all still virgins literally made the whole of Fiore go wild. But even though I know Natsu getting older and same with everyone else I just never imagined Natsu.

Happy then decided the best thing to do was to go and take a bath at the guild hall, flying through the crowded hall into the bath and soaking it all in. Happy then came to a conclusion the best thing to do was to not say anything and wait to hear Natsu side. Happy thinking that if the position was reverse he hoped no one would say anything.

The secret Love (Nalu, GaLe, Jerza)Where stories live. Discover now