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Yoongi's pov ::

I rushed to the next class as I realized I was running late.

I only had one thought in my mind,

Jimin would be there.

Yesterday being such an amazing day, I had totally been kept in trance that I didn't recall having a class today.

I saw the students moving into the class. I reached the class in less than a minute.

I heard them greet as I walked towards my seat.

I looked around for him and finally did spot him. He looks dull but didn't fail to give his smile which I'd always fall for.

I greeted back, trying not to blush.

"Let's watch a presentation today" I said, nervously as it is my first year teaching, even though I had taught this class a few times.

The class continued to be dragged and I was glad that the students kept taking notes meaning that they're understanding the class and they liked my teaching? Hopefully.

I took glances at Jimin every time I turned around from the screen. He was taking notes.

I felt proud but also a little worried. There hasn't been a day where he didn't stare at me and smile during the class.

I'm worried that maybe he doesn't want to start a relationship with me. Maybe the thought that I am his professor is keeping him to the ground.

It was my mistake.

The bell had rung and everyone spilled out of their seats. I stood at the table and looked at him.

I was waiting for him to look at me, like he always did.

As if he read my mind, he looked me and smiled with his crescent eyes and walked out of the room with Taehyung.

Something was off. He looked upset.

I immediate grabbed my books and headed out of the class.

The hallway was empty and then I spotted Jimin and Taehyung talking behind a pillar.

"Jimin" I called out.

He looked at me- pale. I heard him say goodbye to Taehyung as he walked away.


"I missed you" I hit at him directly.

"Me too" I heard pain in his words.

"Let's go somewhere and have a talk"


We walked over to the backside of school where no one could find us.

He didn't dare to speak. He just stood there looking around while holding the straps of his backpack.

"Are you okay?" I asked him.

He nodded his head while biting his lower lip, looking at me.

"You don't look fine"

"I-I am" He stuttered again, locking his eyes with mine.

It seemed off. So off. I turned away from him and placed my hands on my waist, looking at the freshly mown grass.

I sighed and held back my tears. I turned back to face him.

He dropped his jaw while enlarging his eyes a little wide and stared at me. Tears rolled down my eyes. I just couldn't hold them back.

I saw worry in his face.

"Hyung... " He dropped his arms from his bag and held mine later.

I cupped his little soft face and spoke out to him-

"Am I not making you happy? Aren't you satisfied? Tell me what it is. I'll try to change"

He placed his gentle palm on mine and replied-

"Yoongi hyung, what are you talking about?" A tear rolled down from his eye.

"Are you not happy we're together?"

"I am. Very very much. What's bothering you?"

"You seemed so upset today, I thought I ruined the date and made you sad"

He didn't speak but he suddenly hugged me, digging his face into my chest and his arms tightly wrapped around mine.
I felt his warm tears on my chest.

Everything was so sudden.

"I'm so s-sorry. I should've told you before. I love you so much" He stuttered.

"Jimin-ah, what's wrong?" I lifted his head up to face mine. He was red, messy with all his hair scattered on his flawless face.

"My mom's at the h-hospital"


"Someone stabbed h-her. After you dropped me yesterday, I-I saw her on the floor and s-she was bleeding so bad"

"I-I called out for someone and they took her to the hospital"

I was left speechless.

"I am so sorry. I'm just having those frames repeating themselves in my mind. I'm not able to think of anything else..."

Tears kept continuously dropping from my eyes. I felt my heart sink.

I took him in my arms. I hugged him, to protect him at any cost. I have to help him.

I pulled away from the hug.

I caressed his cheek and later locked my lips with his. I felt his soft plump lips against mine. Feels like heaven. I pulled out from the kiss and slowly placed small kisses on his warm, strained eyes, and later his nose. I placed a peck on his lips one last time and spoke in a low tone.

"I love you, Minnie. So much. I'm always here for you."

"I know. I love you."

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