[ 十四 ]

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/ third person.

it's been a week and everything was still confusing to suni. hyunjin knew exactly how he felt and respect whatever suni felt, but it seems that she can't understand what she felt.

"felix, kiss me," suni says, looking intently at felix.

"what? no!" felix nearly screamed at their lunch table, covering his lips with his spoon.

suni wanted to see how it felt to kiss someone else compared to kissing hyunjin. she kissed her ex, but kissing hyunjin had a completely new feeling. maybe it was love, but how . could suni know that?

hyunjin, who was sitting at the table completely dazed was currently choking on a grain of rice after hearing suni's request. jeongin was making him drink water with a concerned look on his face.

"what's bothering you, suni?" seungmin asks, knowing she only requests such dumb things whenever she was confused.

"nothing!" she said, making eye contact with hyunjin for a split second.

"oh, okay," seungmin says, already knowing what was going on. "well, jeongin, felix, and i have to finish up this project. see you guys later!"

seungmin dragged the two boys with him, winking back at hyunjin.

"so, how's the weather up there?"

"so, we should go on a date later."

the two said simultaneously causing the couple to chuckle awkwardly to themselves.

"a date? where?" suni says, looking everywhere else but hyunjin's eyes.

"like a friendly date to... the hideout," he says, trying to make eye contact with the girl.

"oh, okay... see you after school then," the girl responds, getting up to throw away her food.

hyunjin couldn't help but think that he messed up terribly.


the two were riding their bikes to the hideout in silence. once they arrived, suni was looking around for something to do. "ah, let me put a movie in!"

suni actually had no idea how to do that for seungmin was in charge of those things. she was trying to reach for one of the movies and hyunjin noticed, walking up to her to help, but she shrugged him away. she grabbed a rolley chair and began to step on it carefully when she grabbed the dvd, then fell into hyunjin's arms.

neither of them moved at first. "i'm sorry i kissed you last friday," hyunjin whispers, looking at the girl. this was the first time they made eye contact since last week. "i was being inconsiderate and selfish."

"hyunjin, do you like me?" suni whispered, finally talking to the boy normally again.

"my answer would sound selfish to a fragile girl like you who has gone through all sorts of things i have yet to understand. i'm sorry," hyunjin whispered, bringing the girl to her feet. "so, it won't bother me too much if you decided just to forget about it."

suni stood in silence, suddenly chuckling as she put in the dvd. "you know, your kiss got my mind off of that douchebag. thanks for that," she says, noticing how she didn't really think about the breakup the whole week.

"it did?" hyunjin questions, looking up with a smile on his face. he began to dance around happily. "thank goodness for that!"

suni figured out the movie then grabbed her books. they hadn't studied properly in awhile and decided that today would be a good day to catch up. they shared some stories and jokes then fell asleep. suni was resting her head on hyunjin's shoulder as hyunjin rested his head on her head.

through all of the bliss, suni never realized that today was friday. the day she would spend with felix, who was currently at her house delivering her groceries for her where he found out through her mom that she was with hyunjin.

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