[ 十九 ]

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dear suni,

i've stolen your prized diary once again! anyway, i just wanted to tell you that of course, i love you so so so much. everything i do, from today forward, i will do it for you. through all your imperfections, i see perfection. you're my everything. you've gone through all sorts of unimaginable stuff and i'm so proud of you for fighting through everything! (i sound like a mom lol teehee) anyway, i've been reading romance books because... i just missed you that much haha. and in "the notebook", there is that one line that goes like "i want all of you, forever, you and me, everyday." and that- wow. it's no longer just me or just you, it's us! you and me! don't ever forget that! or else i will kiss you! okay, i better finish this before you find me writing in your precious diary and you beat me up. i love you, love!

love love love love,

p.s. felix was here and ew

sweet lies. / skz hyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now