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Shui Household :
POV: Yong/ Father Shui :

After what Anna and Matthew Said, i return to my office. I wanted to have a chat with Father Shea.

I made a phone call:

«Yong? What's the matter, why are you calling?» Olav ask

"Did you know, your wife hit Aileene?" I ask him a question back

«She what?!» Olav was surprised, he never Saw her hitting her own children. «How do you know that? And why do i not know?» he ask again.

"Stig Saw what happenned, called Anna to tell Matthew, but i called my family just before. So Anna told Everyone. We all know it here. I Hope Aileene is alright" i Say

«Yong, is that why you called? I know you want to Say something else» Olav says firmly.

I chuckle a little and responded "I want Aileene to Come and live with us. " I blurted "Yun and I agreed we will do it. We just wanted your opinion. Our children had also agreed to it. You needn't to worry about them." I added.

«I'll call Aileene and ask her about it. I'm also talk about it to Yrsa. Thank you for your concerns and also calling me, Yong»

"No problem, my Friend" i hung up.
I step back on my chair and thought for awhile.

Shea Household :
POV: Olav/ Father Shea:

I look at one of the maid "Get Aili here" he ask "Say its urgent"

"Yes Sir" she step out and went to Aileene's bedroom. "Third Miss, your Father wishes to see you, he says its urgent"

"I'm coming" Aileene says loudly. She step outside her room and walk to her father's office. She knock on the door and entered

"You called me, father?" She says.

I look up and see the bruise on her cheek and sigh. Her eyes were still red and swollen from crying, and cheek seemed to be swollen too

"Father?" She says again

"Yes, right. I called you. What happenned at school, and your cheek"

Her eyes widen a little. "Well, i umh.... I panick on stage.... When i look at the crowd i felt very frightned, and k couldn't stop shaking. And i nearly fainted" she says " and i have a bruise because i hit my face when i fell" she lied.

"Why are you eyes swollen and red? Did you cry?"

"I..." She looks down "i did... "

"Why?" I ask

"....When i got Home Mother hit me twice.... I got the bruise because of her... But Brother Two put some oitment and ice on it, so i'm fine" she smiled trying to hide she wasn't okay.

"Do you know why i called you here?" I ask

"Did Stig told you?" She ask

"No, actually Father Shui did" i answerd

"Uncle did?" She ask "why?"

"Yun and Yong wants you to live with them. Tomorrow, don't go to school, pack your bags to go and live there." I Say

She sat down quickly, to not fall. Her eyes widen too.

"Are you- i mean, do you not want me here anymore ?" She ask.

"I'm not sending you away like this. I'm doing it for your safety, look, your own mother bruised you. I'm sure she did a lot more things to you, that she never did to your sibling" i Say.

I look at her expression as her face lowered

"I'm right, aren't i?" I ask, i stood up from my Seat and walk to her "How long?"

"Dad....does Mum love me?" She ask, at first it took me by surprise since she never said dad and Mum before, but i look at her and hugged her slightly.

"I do love you, and i'm sure your mother do aswell, she just doens't know how to express it." I answerd

"....She never hit my siblings, why me.... Am..i her daughter ? Am i her biological daughter?" She ask

"Of course you are. Don't think otherwise." I responded. "Don't worry, father won't let you be tortured by her again. Go get some rest, and Tomorrow pack your things. You'll leave Tomorrow." I Say.

"Thank you father.." she forces a smile and stood up and walk away.

I look at maid "Get Yrsa please"

"Yes sir" the woman went to take Yrsa. After awhile, she arrived.

"Olav? Why did you call me?" Yrsa ask

"How long...have you been hitting Aileene? Is she the only one you have hit? Or are there more of our children?" I ask, a little angered.

Her face expression quickly changed to mockery "who told you that?" She says in an innocent tone.

"Don't fool me Yrsa, Ailey has a bruise on her left cheek, And its Yong Shui who called to tell me this" i Say firmly

"And you're going to believe them? Are you seriously framing me from hitting our daughter ? She might have just fell, and took opportunities to tell everyone about it" she says in ridicule.

"Stig Saw. He Saw you hit her twice when she got Home from school. He then called Anna to tell Matthew to call Aileene, and also told that she got hit. But before Anna could ask why, she got called for a family reunion. She told everybody, and Yong ask Matt what happenned. Yong and Yun had Come to an agreement with their children to something. Yong then called me and told me everything, and you know what?" I ask, getting angrier

"What?" She ask, still not convinced and determined to hide the truth. Its true, she does hit Aileene. It was like she was her anti-stress punching bag.

"Yong and Yun wants Aileene to live with them. She's Moving in Tomorrow" i Say firmly. " You may look nice to her in front of others, but when your angry and alone, you Always hitted her, didn't you?" I ask again

"Why would i hit her?" She ask, trying to hide the truth. Inside, she was already getting mad, because she didn't want Aileene to leave, who was she supposed to use to take out her anger now?

"Anyway, she's Moving Tomorrow." I added.

Yrsa stood up and stormed off out of the office

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