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Afterlives. Real? Or fake?

Real, for sure. It doesn't matter your religion, ethnicity, or... anything really. If you have a life, you will be reborn into that same species several upon several times.

The "real" you never completely changes throughout this cycle. You will keep one personality trait throughout the whole thing, but your appearance, lifestyle, and even birthplace changes. Every situation is different from the one previous. You could be poor and live in the United States in one life, and then be famous at thirteen and live in Denmark or something. Granted, you could live in the same country for several life cycles, we'll call them, but have no memory of the time before, having to relearn everything. You can even die at a different age or live on till you're 100 to try to avoid an inevitable life cycle that's laid in front of you.

The way this is decided is by the "True You", which is kind of like a "God" of your whole life. And its all played by a game. Each life has categories (lifestyle and personality for example), and each category is dictated by a die. There are multiple die for each category, depending on how many of each category there are (like ethnicity and race, there are several out there). And there are multiple tries throughout them all. Each die is rolled three times and the dictating number is the winner, and deciding that category for your next life.

After you die, the "you" in that life will join the True You, and that you will become a player of the game, helping to dictate the next lifes.

Stop giving me that look, you doubters; its true. I know. I have lived through it. Don't believe me? How about I tell you about my lives I've been through so far? All twelve, including this one so far. "So far", indeed, for the lives themselves don't end until all of humanity is completely and utterly obliterated. At the same time. So, the world has to end and we all have to be living on it in order for the cycles to stop.

I wonder if you've realized your lives yet? Probably not, you have to go through quite a few before this truth is to be bestowed upon you by the True You. I'll give you the spoilers, I suppose. That is, if you want to see the horrible lies and treasons I've committed throughout the cycles.

Are you going to play the game?

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