Life 2 - Something to Always Gain

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A/N: Second Life. Warning: a lot of swearing and some sexual inferencing at the end. It's not graphic, but I'll mention it if you don't like / approve / are grossed out by that kind of stuff.


Before I start my holier-than-thou lecture of my life, know that I am forced to use "censored" vocabulary for this, courtesy of the True Me. Yeah, she's a b****. You'll probably see those star thingies a lot, so if it bothers you, don't bother with this life and go to the next one or stop here. Honestly, if you little b******s can't get through this, what the hell are you doing here anyway, huh?

However, there's somethin I want to mention. Some of us, us Lives, we're boys, despite the True Me being a girl. My name was Kevin Whyler, but my gang name was "Hell's Wheels", since it went with the motorcycle I got a few years into my teens. Anyway, my life is probably the most legit out of all... 12 of us, I believe. Yeah? 12? Have fun with us. I'm the "little rebel", "rascal", whatever floats your boat. Honestly, the scorn I'd get was incredible. Almost humorous.

Let's back up d**n it. I was born in the most f***ing awesome state called Texas in the d*** United States of frickin' America. And it was AWESOME. I don't even care that I was made fun of for sayin ya'll and s***, it was so legit! I was born... 2000, 2001, somewhere in there and just managed to keep the awesome slang language of 2012 because it was s'posed to be the end of the world and all, but I lived, and so did a you little f***ers who're reading this anyway. Nah, I'm playing, ya'll coolio.

Seriously, that year was f***ed up! All these d*** f***ers praying they ain't gonna die and s***. I mean d**n! These people were ready to give up their lives on the spot! And the publicity of that God-awful movie "2012" didn't help either. Just panicked them even more. Good job, Hollywood, you got more money! Wanna cookie?

Seriously, I am the little rebel of my family. They were all prim and proper with my older sis being the whitest white girl there can ever be with her little golden iPhone whatever takin selfies everywhere she went and popping her gum in my face all the d**n time. Didn't help when parents enforced it either.

But I was one of those guys who got all the b****es in high school and s***. I'd be bringin a new girl in almost every other night and totally get on her. That was the life, man. Tryin to gain some form of affection from shallow girls was both an easy challenge and an amusement. Don't worry, it was all protected (as far as I know) so they all still got their virginity and s***. But in that night, nobody cares, and everything just melts away into nothingness. I won't get too graphic, so I'll stop, but man... that was what I wanted.

That's one of the things about me. If there's no benefit for me, I won't do s*** for you. Like, at all, man. I just wanna get something... something I really wanted, in the most of this world, was to have one of those ladies love me not because I could give good sex. But because I was someone worth keeping around. And I realize now I chose one of the worst methods to go about it but... In the end, it was who I was and how I helped make up the True Me that is now.

Let's go on a different note. How I died: it was simple. Murdered in a street fight. It was an accident, but still murdered. I was walkin home from this bar, slightly drunk. Slightly. Like, a little buzz and that was it. And I accidently ran into this completely wasted guy, said "Sorry bro" and this guy goes off on me. I don't even know what about, he slurred so much.  I had begun to walk away when this guy pulls out a f***ing machete on me. He's running at me and I'm just frozen. Everything slowed like it does in the movie Hollywood s***.

And then, the machete just entered my heart. Perfectly.

And I accepted death. I didn't get what I wanted, I didn't have anyone to turn to for help. All I could do was fall to the ground and see police show up.

Next thing I knew, I was in a room with the True Me, but I'll let Life 3 explain that. He's the f***ing genius.

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