Life 3 - Wisdom VS Sanity

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A/N: Hello again! I'm sorry I'm trying to keep up but... high school (PAP English and PAP Art specifically) are keeping me from coming back! I've missed so much right now! I'm uploading this really quickly 'cause I have karate and things and homeworks, but I really hope those who read keep reading. I personally want to thank you, you awesome people, who read, comment, vote, and do all you can to support this.

I'll eventually start dedicating chapters to those who give ideas and/or are the most supportive. Thanks a bunch~!

Wuv you all~~ :3

There's a saying I've found now that says: "There is a fine line between madness and genius." Story of my life; not a flaw in that statement.

Hello, there. I am Aldelbert Jonsbourg of Germany, my first name literally meaning "Intelligent". I am, what Life 2 has called me, the f-word-ing genius. Supposedly, but we'll get into that later.

I shall go ahead and mention that True Me (as well as Lives 1 and 2) have all requested I numb down my vocabulary for you all, since I am sharing personal life memoirs and psychological details that make your brains question your very existence. There's fun in that, right?

I was born in 1929. Quite a riot, that time period, right? Just before the Holocaust and World War Two was on everyone's doorstep. It was not a very happy-fun-timey place to be. I shall go ahead and mention my two older siblings and my two younger. The eldest, a girl named Serilda, was 7 when I was born, and in her twenties when I died. Following was my brother Jaegar (5 when I was born), me, younger sister Tzipora (1 year younger), and littlest sister Emily (2 years younger).

We were what was called Aryan.... blond hair, blue eyed, German blood. And not Jewish. Apparently that was a thing, so we were spared the horrors of any of the concentration/death camps. However, not everyone I knew was.

I had this great Jewish friend named Rikki, a beatiuful young girl about my age and just as smart. We did everything together - studying, talking, walking home from school, whatever; it had been like that since we met - sometime in second grade - 1937. Right before Germany invaded Poland and the war actually started, they had condemned all local Jews in Germany. I slowly and surely saw all her rights taken away... I still remember one conversation I had:

"What's with the star?" I pointed to her shirt, which had a golden Star of David (as I found out later) pinned to it.
"The government makes us wear it." She spat at me. Her words were laced with such venom I didn't ask anything else. She was writhing under her skin, and our studies on hating Jews and how we should only praise Hitler wasn't anything at all that helped our situation. A few weeks later, however, everything returned to normality.... supposedly.

One day, she didn't come to school. I asked some of my friends who lived close to her and they said something about her and her family leaving in the middle of the night by some officials (the GESTAPO as I found...). I was confused. Why did they leave? They were fine, weren't they? I hadn't known half the story at the time, since I was only a mere minor. It was strange, however, how the message was given to us.

My teacher had called for class to start, and he told us, plain and simple:

"Your classmates that are absent are absent for a reason. They have commited high treason against the country of Germany for being Jews of Israel, so they have been... dealt with accordingly." Even then, the true context was clear as day. She had been taken - dead, probably. Her, and her family, and everything she was... gone so easily. Like a passing breeze.

I believe the sad part is- everyone cheered.

The belief of all Jews being evil beings - which I admit to have believed at times because of persuasive word choice - had completely overtaken the minds of those around me. 6, 7, and two 8 year olds all cheering the deaths of millions of people all over the world. If only they knew the aftermath of the events to follow.

Fast forward -  1945 - Germany has been beaten and is crumbling. I am a sophomore in high school - if high school were still going since half the high school had left for war efforts. It was a shame, to have me stay home with nothing to do. Except study. I studied and studied and studied. Psychology to be exact.

The way the human mind worked, reasons for trying to commit such serious muder, and most of all, any psychologically explainable reason why humanity is pitiful in its crime. That's what Life 2 meant - I spent all my time studying, became top of class when school started up again, and graduated and lived happily, etc.

However, I had grown on a path to insanity.

I may as well still be insane. I have wanted to know what it feels like to murder, ever since the books. I have wanted to know - what it feels like to plunge a knife into someone's heart, or to pull a trigger and "have time slow down" like in the movies (even though that doesn't actually happen, but a boy can dream, correct?) Something is captivating about the way the stupid human mind comprehends things, and how we percieve things.

And I didn't ever get to, though.

I almost felt bad; but then I realized: I fell victim to my own research. My own mind knew so much about other minds that it began to act like them. A strange place for a man to end up... and that is what I've contributed. A dull blow of insanity to Lives and the True Me.

This may explain Life 4... maybe...


I'm sorry this took so long! I started this in October... and finished it before Thanksgiving. I swear I will TRY harder to keep a straight schedule, but, who knows? I'm sorry guys!! ;_; Its so long too...

Anyway, what do you guys think? You like it? Comment or vote to let me know, message me if you have any ideas, and follow me for updates! Grazie~~!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2014 ⏰

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