Life 1 - Life to Live with Nothing to Give

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Oh, welcome! You've decided to read on, good choice!

However, I will inform you, this life may not be as entertaining as the prologue had mentioned, for you see, this was a very poor life. I was born in the back streets of busy London. London, England, yes. And I must say, we are not all rich like you Americans fantasize. Did you know I've never had a crumpet or scone over there? That's because I was that poor. And people loved them enough to really never throw them out.

I was born in the year 2005, and died in 2034. Not that long a life, huh? Well, I was one of the unlucky ones who never got a home after being on the streets my whole life. Too dirty for some or too arrogant for others, I don't really know. I had things thrown at me. Once, a cigar hit me. Boy, did that cause a riot with me. But no one else cared or even turned their head. Ah, what a horrible life.

I never learned how to write during my time on Earth, but I did learn how to read. And reading was fun. Whenever there was a book or a stray newspaper knocked out on the street for some reason, I would be the first to grab it, and that's how I learned a flowy vocabulary. But, I couldn't formulate sentencing or know what a "noun" was or anything. That wasn't until I joined in the game.

Hope I amused you in the small portion I have. Maybe Life 2 will be more interesting, the little rascal...

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