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You don't look like Gwenpool lmao I wish.
But yeah.
So costume change, ya got the regular high waist ripped jeans but one your thighs you got guns, and on the arms, you got kinda like wonder woman armbands ....

_Your Pov_

"Come on (Y/n)! Wake up!" Izuku told me, shaking me slightly. It was some class that I fell asleep in and after this was the only class I liked, the hero one. Nightmare, fuck her, already left. I got up and Izuku basically dragged me to the next class.

"Hah, dragon shit was almost late," Bakugo said laughing.

"I'm on power-saving mode, so either shut up or I'll make ya," I told him lazily. He scoffed but turned to Kirishima. Aizawa made everyone go outside to go somewhere after changing into our costumes.

"Ah, so you changed costumes?" Uraraka pointed out. I nodded.

"Yeah, I added guns to my thighs, armbands, a bigger hood on top," I told her smirking. She nodded, signifying that actively listening, and we headed out. Nightmare walked over to us and smirked approvingly at the change.

"Nice," She said, giving a thumbs up. Her hoodie had two small wings printed in its back and I smirked. Nightmare, Uraraka, and I had a great conversation based off of how we needed free food.

"Oi, get on we're leaving," Aizawa told everyone grumpily.

"Hell Naw bitch, I ain't getting on that living hellhole," I yelled out running, Aizawa 's scarf quickly got a hold of me and dragged me onto the bus. The class stared in amusement at my struggle.

"The struggle is real folks," I complained. Nightmare laughed and placed me next to Izuku, whom I immediately leaned on.

"So what exactly is (y/n)'s quirk and yours?" Shoto asked Nightmare.

"(Y/N)'s is a dragon based quirk, and mine is partly as well."

"So half-half?"

"Kinda, I do ice based things while she can do element, I can also do other small things..."


-after that bus tour-

"Sweet baby fucking Jesus, I live," Y/N complained loudly, slowly crawling out of the bus. She grabbed Izuku by the shoulders and steadied herself. Izuku was quick to notice her and helped her up. Nightmare laughed at the sight. Nightmare's black hairwas in a low ponytail and had hat on with cat ears, her usual pink miniskirt was matched with a black top and leather jacket. Her knees had black and pink padding insead of just black combat boots. Nightmare walked over to talk to Mina and her gang.

"Hey Mina...and others"

"Oh, hows it going Nightmare?"

"Not to bad, and you?"

"Ehhh, Denki just told us about how he 'shortens out'"

"Explain how that even makes sense." Nightmare asked, clearly confused. Mina was about to reply but Denki interrupted her, "Simple dude. I just use too much power and boom, I beacome a dumbass."

"O...kay then, but who's that?" Nightmare answered, she pionted at a figure in a spacesuit and the group stared at her in shock.

"You dont know who that is?!"


"its actually pretty simple, where I come from we have diffrent main heros. Such as Titania, Salamader, Celestial Queen (which (y/n) calls beast), Sky Guardian, Iron giant, etc."

"Ohhhhh" the group said, realizing that whart Nightmare said made sense.

"You make it sound like you know them," Mina pionted out.

"I do, so does (y/n), we were both raised amongst them. Now the teacher and guast are talking so I'd advise you all to be qiuet." Nightmare said turning to face Thirteen and Mr. Aizawa.

"WHAT THE SHIT IS THAT?!" Yn screamed. She pointed at an alarming sight. A purple mist soon appeared and let some villains into the center. The class started to panic. This was not in the handbook.

"Hey, y'all we are hero's in training right?" Nightmare started, getting the class to listen while the pro hero's thought of a plan, "well then, now we get some bad guys to practice on!"

"Yeah and guess waht! They decided to mess with the wrong class!" Yn exclaimed, understanding how nightmare planned on calming the class.


"Yn?" Izuku asked, trembling at the sight. His friend was no longer herself.. After nomu had been defeated with the help of he dragon slayer, the class went to get proper medical care. Until the usual cheerful girl started to attack. She screamed and shot burst of elements around her. With her usual e/c eyes were now red and empty. She turned and sent a shit eating grin to the class.

"Yn? hah, the one you knew isnt here anymore," She smirked licking her lips. She raised her arms and slammed the earth, the whole building shook. Pieces of the ceiling started to crack. She looked around and saw the school's beloved students failing. She laughed, and lauhged.

"YN SNAP OUT OF IT!" Nightmare screamed acroos the field, busy attacking other villians. She looked at her old friend, and sent a mighty roar filled with fire. She turned to the class, eyeing bakugo and todoroki. She slammed the earth again, and the building was droping pience one by one. her body now aflames, she punched a classmate with an arm full of iron and sent another attack in nightmares direction.

"WHATS WRONG WITH HER?!" Bakugo screamed at Nightmare. The two dogded ice shards that were sent their way. Nightmare ignored the boys outburst and sought to protect the class.

"She was hit by a quirk. Either it was personality changing, mind control, or puppeteer styled, theres not much of another explaination!" Todoroki stated, he helped protect the wounded by casting an ice like shield over them. He ran over to Nightmare and motioned to Yn, needing a plan.

"I don't know what to do here! Yn is fucking POWERFUL AS HELL! She's my best friend. This stupid quirk shit is not supposed to be so goddmaned EFFECTIVE on her! She's a dragon slayer! I DONT KNOW OKAY!" Nightmare screamed. She was freaking out. This was not the work of some petty villain. No. It was much more. Nightmare sent an ice roar towards the girl, only for it to act as fuel to be shot back at.

"Whats her weakness?!" Izuku asked worried. Yn looked in so much pain, every moment she stopped attacking, her face contorted to gout and fury. Her eyes switching from red to e/c every single second. Wait. She's fighting it which means she's still concious!

"Guys!," izuku motioned to the other three, "right now the pro hero's aren't able to aid us"

"Yeah no shit deku, she kinda fucking encased them in ICE!"

"Stil, she's fighting over control-"

"What difference does that do..."

"Wait...izuku. You're onto something.." Nightmare explained, immediately understanding the idea, "first part is pretty simple..."


"Get out of my head!"

"I'm not the one doing this."

"Liar! If you aren't making me do this then who is!"


"Listen little shit. You're on fucking crack."

Skrrt skrrt apparently I had this in my drafts and like I come back after a year so um hi. Check out the message in my messagebaord. The characters will prolly change a bit ion know.
Actually to be frank ion know what I'm doing but itz okay
Fuck it's one am.
Yall yk what goodnight-

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