Your child is sick

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Ryan was puking all night and all morning, "mummy Ryan is puking again!" Mia wined. "Oh dear, Ryan!" You ran to your little boy who was leaning over the toilet. "Mummy can you make it stop!" Ryan cried. "Aw hunny I cant, I wish I could though bub. How about you go rest and I'll get you some ginger ale!" You lead your son to his room and tucked him in tight and went to get him some ginger ale when you came up stairs he was sound asleep. You pulled his bushy hair back and kissed his hot forehead.


"Hilary is coughing and sneezing again mum!" Jonesy said running down the stairs. "I'll get her some medicine okay?" You grabbed the "Advil Cold" little bottle and made your way up the stairs. "Mum!" Seth called "Yes?" You yelled back. "Hilary is really distracting me, I'm trying to study for my math test!" Seth wined. "I know I'm giving her an Advil so it can knock her out of that cold." You said. "If that doesn't work I'll knock her out with something else!" Seth mumbled to himself. You ignored his little comment and went to the study room. "Hil, here take one." You have her a pill and some water. "Thanks mum, I hate having a cold!" She pouted.


"Ma, Aaliyah is congested again!" Myles yelled to you. "Great, Michael go give one of these to her." You ordered giving Michael the allergy medicine. "Okay." He grabbed a chewy pill from the kids allergy packet. "Ali! Here take one of these it will help your allergies!" Michael cooed giving Aaliyah a pill. She popped it in her mouth. "Thanks daddy! Love you! I FEEL BETTER!" Aaliyah giggled. Michael laughed knowing that the med didn't kick in yet but she thought it did.


"CAM,BRO THATS GROSS!" Christopher yelled out, making Luke run into the room. "Cameron! What happened, oh my god Cameron really?!" Luke sighed. "I feel like fuckn shit!" Cameron groaned. "Where did you guys go last night?!" Luke asked. "The pub, I can't keep it in like Chris, dad, the guy never gets drunk no matter how much he drinks!" Cameron called his brother out. "Cameron here had a bit to much." Christopher patted his brothers back making Cameron gag and throw up more alcohol on the bedroom floor. "Cameron! Can't you make it to the damn bathroom." Luke yelled looking away. "OHH I WANNA DIE! IT FEELS LIKE SOMEONE HIT ME IN THE BALLS WITH A BRICK!" Cameron said squinting his eyes in pain. "Maddison fetch me the Advil!" Luke called out, your daughter strolled in with Advil, saw the barf, screamed and handed the pill and water to Luke. "Here take this, and you clean this up!" He nodded towards Christopher. "Me? Why?" "Because you're twins, you share the pain." Luke smirked and walked away.

A/n: hey guys I'm trying to catch up with requests my inbox is not working very well so I can't see msgs from last week so if you had an idea please comment it below!

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