Kids will be Drama Llamas

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Requested a while ago:)

You, Ashton and 2 year old Ryan were at the toy store looking for toys to get for him since it was almost his birthday. "Dis one!" Ryan pointed to the huge jumbo pack of small toy cars. "Bud that ones a hundred dollars pick another one please babe."He told Ryan nicely. "NO I WANT THIS ONE DADDY!" Ryan kicked his chubby legs in the buggy. "Ryan stop it!" You warned. "I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I. WANT. IT!" He yelled. Everyone was staring now and you awkwardly laughed. "Ryan stop or me and mum won't buy you a toy." Ashton said seriously. Ryan instantly sucked up his tears. "Good, now you can pick a toy just not this one!" Ashton said smiling. Ryan than pointed to a smaller pack of toy cars, that was cheeper, you and Ashton put it in the buggy and checked out.

"Jonesy stop running around!" Calum called out. You guys were at Michael's house and Jonesy wouldn't stop pushing Calum's buttons. "No!" Jonesy laughed and ran around Calum just to piss him off even more. "Jonesy! Your gonna brake something!" "Leave him alone Cal! He's three!" Michael giggled. "Yeah daddy leave me alone!" Jonesy sassed. "Jonesy!" Calum said sternly raising his voice. Tears started to fill Jonesy's eyes and he started to sob out. "Mummy!!" Jonesy ran to you. "What's wrong babe!" You said looking down to your sobbing son. "Daddy made me cry!" "Calum!" You call out. "Your son totally snitched on you!" Michael laughed. "Yes love." Calum sighed. "Why is Jonesy bawling?" "I don't know, he was running around and I told him to stop and he started to cry." He shrugged. "Jonesy, daddy wasn't trying to be mean but buddy this isn't your house so you can't just run around okay? I love you you?" Calum tried to calm down your tod. "See baby daddy loves you!" Jonesy wiggled from your grip and went to Calum throwing his arms around Cals neck. "Love you daddy!"

Michael you and Aaliyah were at the house and she wasn't having the best day. "Ali it's time for your nap!" You called. "No!" The 2 year old spat. "Aaliyah! Mummy said it's nap time!" Michael said with a straight face. "Aaliyah said no!" Ali yelled back. Michael scooped Aaliyah up despite her screaming protests for him to put her down. "Aaliyah, it's nap time and you gonna take a nap!" He said sternly. "I don't want to!" She sobbed. Her sobbing was a sign to show she was tired. "Your tired aren't you?" Michael laughed. Aaliyah was already sleeping in his arms. Michael laid her down in her bed. He kissed her head. "Sorry daddy." Aaliyah mumbled. "It's okay babe just go to sleep."

At the studio with daddy was supposed to be amazing but today the boys were going off the walls. Christopher was chasing Cameron around. "You can't catch me!" Christopher yelled. "YOUR UGLY!" Cameron yelled. "We look the same?" Chris pointed out. "You boys are both so cute!" Ashton giggled hugging the twins. "I'm cuter because I look like daddy!" Christopher said. "Well I'm hot because I look more like daddy!" Cameron said matter of factly. "You guys need to stop fighting about pointless things!" Luke told the boys jokingly getting into the recoding booth. "I don't like him!" Cameron complained. "And I like you?" The other 4 year old sassed. Cameron punched his brothers arm and Christopher kicked his leg, they started to fight again until Christopher hovered over his brother and slapped Cameron in the face so hard that from the slightly opened recording door Luke ran out. Cameron was crying his eyes out and Christopher was giggling. "WHAT HAPPENED! OH MY CAM ARE YOU OKAY? Your moms gonna kill me!" Luke said to himself as he picked Cameron up. He noticed the little red hand print on his left cheek. "CHRISTOPHER ZACHARY HEMMINGS!" Luke yelled. Chris' lip started to quiver. Cameron was screaming in pain. "You really hurt Cameron, you know? Do you like seeing your brother cry?" "I...I... No...I didn't mean to daddy, we were playing." Now Christopher was choking on tears. "I'm sorry Cameron, I didn't mean for you to cry, I love you and I don't like when you cry cam-cam!" Christopher said holding his arms out for his brother. Cameron ran into his twins arms and told him he loved him to. "See where fighting can get you?" Luke asked they nodded and promised Luke not to act so dramatically for little things.

A/N : hey hope you liked this :)
Qotd: any requests or feed back?
Aotd: can't really answer that:")
Twitter- punkrxcklucas

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