Some weird nightmares ive been having.

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So like i just woke up at 4:16 am from a nightmare, but not any nightmare because this was a reoccurring continuous nightmare. i get these all the time and i think there all following a story? but i cant quite decipher it.
Now, You might think im crazy because everyone ive told so far about these dreams have said that im crazy but hopefully people on the internet are nicer.

Anyway all these nightmares start like normal weird dreams,
This time for example: i was talking to the mom of one of my friends in a waiting room...? (I really dont know what it was) .she was explaining stuff to me while cutting her hair. Why? i dunno. Frankly i don't even remember what she was explaining but anyway A dude ive never seen before was also there, he was asking, via face expressions and body language. Why was the mom of one of my friends explaining something while cutting her hair. I responded with a shrug.
Now. The place we where in had a mini snack store implemented in the room. Beside it was an open door leading to a employee room. The room appeared to have nothing in it as it was pitch black but for some reason some unwanted attraction was moving me towards the door so i entered.

~Ok yall this is where it gets funky.~

For some reason my body gets all tingly with the sensation you get when your limbs fall asleep throughout my hole body when i get these dreams And At the point where i can feel that sensation i already know its gonna be one of those continuous nightmares. Because incase you didn't know, im fully aware and conscious during these dreams.

i entered the room and suddenly i was in another room. Sitting down behind a desk, the dest had nothing but a simple windows laptop with a page open in some type of mail Website. This was when i knew for sure it Was connected.
about a week ago i had another one of these dreams. i was at family gathering. Im not going in too much depth but i ended up in the same room with the same desk with the same laptop opened in the same weird Mailing website.
But instead of having the message of 'wanna be my friend?' And a '1' beside it (the 1 meaning i said yes or that i favorited it or somethin) it had the message 'wanna leave?' With again a '1' beside it.

~Ok yall this is when it turns into a full fledged nightmare, so get ready.~

Guess what came back? The tingling feeling of Sleeping limbs of course! This feeling for some reason is my 'oh shit its a nightmare, DanGeR, DanGeR' signal. So i assumed the worse and tried my best to not look at the thing that was sitting in a chair in front of the desk.
I tried singing musicals i like to not hear anything it was telling me, I tried closing my eyes, I even tried burring my face in my knees so i wouldn't see. But for some reason the same unwanted attraction from before made me peel my face from the rest of my body and made me see the figure in front of the desk. It was almost like someone straight up used the force on me so i couldn't move willingly.

I still however screeched the lyrics to some songs i love to try and not hear anything.
This worked and i only had to face a man that kind of looked like it was made out of stone. It almost had all of the same features as the giant heads from easter island. But it was more slender, tall and thin.

The thing wasn't moving its mouth or anything but i could tell it was saying something. so, i screeched the lyrics to the song 'Guns And Ships' from Hamilton, Louder and louder. The only thing i could do was embrace myself for whatever it was gonna do as it was seeming to get closer and closer.

At this point the tingling sensation was at its fullest and it almost hurt, In fact i think it did hurt a little.
I was trying to kick my legs and move my arms to get away but nothing happened. My body was useless and all i could do was wait for the inevitable.

When it finally got close enough it reached a hand out to me and i woke up.

I was sweating, i was dizzy, my heart was beating really fast and my limbs felt almost numb. But surprisingly i didn't cry. I just felt and i still feel quite confused about what happened.
I calmed down and grabbed my phone to start writing what you're reading right now.

I will most definitely not sleep until the sun actually starts to shine.


Ill post updates on how the 'story' continues and maybe we can decipher what the hell is going on together.

And if that was actually scary for you and you're reading this at night.
OoPs SorRy m8

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