You loco'd your last poco, compadre.

47 2 18


1. Done.

2. Shit alright.

-i share a room with 2 of my siblings, Maria and Danny. Danny and i share a bunk bed (i get top bunk >:D) and Maria has her own bed.

-i fucking loVE hot sauce.

-im half french (but you already knew that) and i have a lot of family in Saint-Étienne. A city in the region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, France. (Dont even try to pronounce it)

-they call me 'french dude' in school.

-ive only had 3 friends for the duration of almost all my life, (i used to have 4 but one became my boyfriend)

-when we have family dinners we eat in the couch because we dont have a table that can fit all 9 of us.

-my bedroom walls are filled with doodles of when i was three.

-i have a lizard called Lizzie and sometimes i call her Elizard.

-both me and Maria cant sleep most of the time so we just talk to each other 'bout random shit until we eventually fall asleep.

-James constantly has sleep paralysis (like me) and he usually wakes up crying.
One time i cried with him because im so sorry for him.

-my song playlists consists of french music, musicals and 80's music.

-i only have Polo shirts and hoody's. nO In

-i was obsessed with mermaids when i was little, (and my parents were surprised i wasn't straight)

3. Welp

4. haH i ActuAlLy FolLoW ThE RuLes!

5. Check

6. Fuck no.
3 will have to do.

7. Indeed it has.


rAndOm ShiT Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang