Things 'bout my siblings

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So like its been kinda a while since i updated this because i had no idea what to update since im so damm boring.
SO i decided to tell you shit about my siblings!

Btw i wrote this chapter like two days ago but i deleted it by accident because im a dumbass so now i have to re-write it.


Maria: (the oldest)
17. (09, 06, 2002)
(of course she is).

-the actual pronunciation for her name is Marie.

-shes the one who actually got me into musicals.

-shares my same morbid messed up sense of humor

-actually awake rn. (its 2:31 am)

-blonde. (like the rest of my siblings)

-blue eyes.


Ive already told you shit about me so we're skipping me


13. (30, 03, 2006)
-Slytherin (my family mostly consists of Slytherins and Ravenclaws)

-really fucking stubborn
(Like really fucking stubborn)

-he was a tornado or destruction when he was little.

-he hates books and loves sports.

-he's totally going to be a jock when he's older.

-not gonna lie, pretty arrogant.

-loves math. (Just why?)


-blue-ish grey-ish eyes.


11. (16, 08, 2008)
-also a Ravenclaw

-super fucking smart for her age.

-also a tornado of destruction when she was little.

-really close to James.

-super insecure about herself even though in my opinion shes really pretty. (in a brotherly way you twat)

-learns swear words in other languages so she doesnt get scolded when she swears.

-also blonde.

-the only green eyed in our family.


10. (01, 04, 2009)
-Hufflepuff (one of the only ones in our family)

-he was supposed to be born on the 11th but he somehow rapped his umbilical cord around his neck and had to be born with a c-section.

-silent crier with a loud personality.

-really fucking clumsy.
(Like, does he even know how legs work?)

-loves fauna and flora for some reason.

-really wants a dog.

-super close to Cassie.

-of course, blonde.

-blue eyes.


7. (26, 06, 2012)

-Maria and i babysat him when he was little so, he developed the same kind of messed up humor we have.

-knows a little too much for his age.

-Kind of a troublemaker but not really because he has no intent on making trouble.

-Maria and i taught him how to swear at 6.

-lives for Lucky Charms.

-blonde, like the rest of us.

-grey eyes, like me.


5. (28, 02, 2014)
-Hufflepuff or Gryffindor (he hasnt done the test yet but thats my guess)

-tornado of destruction.

-loves bugs.

-wants to fly.

-you know its somethin serious when hes sad.

-super energetic.

-loves apple sauce.

-blonde. (of course)

-blue eyes.


Yup those are my siblings.

K, bye.

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