Ziley - The One Where They Talked All Night

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This was it. This was the moment he was waiting for. Zac stared at Ashley's phone screen that she held up for him, reading Miley's message over and over. She was here. He wanted to get to her before the others did. Without thinking, he quickly made his way to the front entrance where they were just pulling up.

Ashley watched him in surprise before quickly following him. She had to see this. She was determined to set them up by the time the movie wrapped. She couldn't stand seeing them long for each other so badly and not do anything about it. She also knew that age didn't matter to them, and that their parents didn't mind the age difference either. Zac would never pressure Miley into anything until she was ready (and of legal age). Zac didn't like Miley for her body, he liked her for her. Zac was an amazing guy, she trusted him with Miley, who was like her little sister. She knew he wouldn't hurt her and that's all that mattered.

Zac weaved his way through the lobby and took a deep breath before walking out of the hotel with Ashley just as the valet opened the door for Miley. His heart was beating so fast. First, her foot came out, then her other. Then came her legs, midsection, chest, and finally, her face, which caused a huge smile to break out on Zac's lips, even if he tried not to show how excited he was to see her.

Once he saw her face, he was breathless. she never looked more beautiful. She was wearing blue skinny jeans, black sandals, a white tank top and a big cozy white sweater with black hearts all over it. Her hair was up in a messy bun and her make up was done to perfection. Zac couldn't keep his eyes off her. It was at that moment he knew he had to tell her how he felt or else he would go crazy. He smiled at her as he moved closer to the car, lending her a helping hand as she stood.

Miley smiled brightly at him and willingly accepted it. As soon as their skin made contact they sent electric shocks through both their bodies and it took her own breath away. She stood up but they didn't bother letting go of each other. "Hi.." She smiled dreamily.

Zac grinned, unconsciously squeezing her hand. "Hi.." He replied, looking into her beautiful ocean eyes. His own fell onto her plump baby pink lips for a split second. Oh how he wanted to kiss those lips. He wet his own without realizing then looked back into her eyes, his smile getting bigger.

Ashley watched them, completely taken by surprise. They looked like they didn't know there was anyone else around them. How they looked at each other was something she had never seen before in her life. It was pure love and she could easily tell. She smiled to herself, somehow having a feeling that if they ended up being together, it would last a lifetime. She didn't think they would be the type of couple to ever break things off. She felt that if they got together before the movie wrapped in a few weeks, then Miley would stay for the remainder of the month with him since she already wrapped up the second season of Hannah Montana. She cleared her throat and the two were broken out of their trance.

Suddenly realizing where their hands were, Miley and Zac both blushed Crimson red and let go in a flash. He cleared his throat and ran his hand through his hair while she giggled nervously and turned to Ashley just a huge smile took over her face. "Ash!"

Ashley smiled brightly. "Hey!" She pulled her best friend close and they hugged tightly. Meanwhile, she smirked knowingly at Zac over Miley's shoulder.

Miley's heart was beating so rapidly she was sure Ashley could feel it. 'Did that really just happen?' She thought to herself in shock and pure joy. And they still didn't have a proper greeting hug. She was sure to remind him of that later on. And she couldn't wait.


It was later that night at 11 pm that Miley saw Zac sitting by the pool alone as she walked around the hotel courtyard speaking on the phone with her publicist, ironing out some last minute details about the Best Of Both Worlds tour that was to start in October. Her breath caught in her throat and she smiled to herself when she saw him. She ended the call saying she would call back in the morning because she had an early call time and wanted to sleep. She slipped the phone into her pocket and made her way over to him. "Yknow you still owe me a hug, Mr. Efron." She teased when she reached him.

Zac looked up and held himself back from grinning widely. "Oh, I do?" He stood up from the lounge chair he was resting in. His eyes sparkled.

Miley bit her lip to keep herself from smiling like an idiot and nodded. "Yeah, but I'm willing to forgive you if you pay me now." She looked up at him, her hands stuffed in the pocket of the oversized sweatshirt she was wearing. His sweatshirt.

He chuckled and held his arms open for her, to which she gladly engulfed him tightly, breathing in his scent. He smiled and hugged her, rubbing her back lovingly. He paused and pulled back only a little to look at what she was wearing. When he did, he laughed. "Is that my sweater?"

Miley looked down and blushed. She forgot she was wearing it. "Oh yeah. You left it at my house a few months ago, when I last saw you. I forgot to give it to you." She laughed, trying to play it cool, as if she didn't intentionally keep it when she found it in their movie room. She had invited some of her friends to her house for a movie night and sleepover for her birthday. When she found the sweater the next morning when everyone left it smelled exactly like Zac. She loved it. So she kept it and slept in it almost every night. She just prayed he wouldn't ask for it back. "Do you want it back?"

He just grinned at her, secretly loving how she kept it with her. It gave him hope. "No, you can keep it. You look better in it then I did."

Her cheeks burned red at his comment and she laughed. "Shut up!"

They spent their night just talking by the pool, to about 3 in the morning. About anything and everything. They shared stories and deep concerns about their careers. They shared things they never thought they could ever tell any other human being. The only thing they didn't talk about was their love lives. That was sensitive territory. A line they hadn't crossed. But Miley was about to.

"So." Miley said, pushing aside the empty plate that previously held the French fries they ordered. "How are you and Vanessa?" She looked at him and smiled softly.

Zac hesitated for a moment but then relented, opening a piece of gum that he got from his pocket and popping it in his mouth. After chewing for a second, he looked at her. "Not so good." He played with the wrapper, sighing. "We've been fighting a lot lately.. And I don't feel the same way about her anymore. Besides," He threw the wrapper onto the plate and looked at her, right into her eyes. "I have feelings for someone else."

Miley's breath got caught in her throat. She felt like he was talking about her but she didn't want to get her hopes up. "Can I ask who?" She asked with a teasing smile.

Zac smiled back. "It's y--" before he could finish, a large male security guard came up to them.

"Pool is closed. You two can't be here." He grumbled, eyeing them both with disdain.

Zac looked up at him, irritated at the interruption but he faked a smile nonetheless. "Yeah we know. But the other gentleman gave us authorization to be here."

The guards eyes narrowed at him. "Well the other gentleman's shift has ended and mine has started. You can't be here."

Before Zac could answer, Miley quickly got up. "That's fine, we'll be on our way." She smiled at Zac, who of course smiled back, always putty in her hands. She turned back to the security guard and smiled sweetly, even though she was boiling inside. "We're sorry, sir." She said in a sickly sweet voice, holding herself back from hitting him.

She had been so close.

So close.


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