Jariana - The One When We Had Our First Fight

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After stewing about it for a few hours, Jai called Ariana to find out the actual truth, not paying attention to the time difference, even though he read her twitlonger. She may have written that for the fans. He sighed as he finally pulled his phone from under his pocket and dialed her new number.

Ariana had finally fallen asleep after tossing and turning for hours. When she finally did fall asleep, it was 2 in the morning. She heard her phone ringing on her nightstand an hour after she slept and moaned tiredly. She reached for it clumsily, too tired to open her eyes. Pushing her head off her pillow, she squinted to check the time then who was calling her.


'Why would he be calling me now?' Ariana thought to herself, a little worried. He knew it was three in the morning in LA and that she would be asleep. She pushed herself up on her elbows and rubbed a hand over her face before answering. "Hello?" She mumbled.

Jai hesitated for a moment. "Uh, hey Ari.." He cleared his throat.

"Hey." She yawned. "Is everything okay? You don't usually call this late."

He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't really know. I hope. I kind of.. Saw that article."

Ariana paused, slowly frowning. "..and? It's not true. Didn't you read my tweet? Even though you wouldn't have to - you should know it's a fake scandal. You should know me."

"Well yeah I read it but I wasn't sure if that was the truth or if you were just trying to calm your fans down. I mean, you've been hanging out with Miley Cyrus a lot.. And she doesn't exactly have an innocent background." He mumbled the last part. He didn't really like how much time she was spending with her but he couldn't really do anything about it. "Besides, those pictures looked real.."

Her jaw dropped in shock and she quickly sat up. "I cannot believe you actually think I would do cocaine. And don't you dare drag her into this. She has nothing to with this. And not that it's any of your business but when she did those shitty things she was in a horrible place, so you have no place to judge! I didn't even think of how you would react to this because I thought you out of all people would think its bullshit because you know me. You know more about me then my own mother does. I can't believe you." she spat, truly hurt. She didn't actually think he would believe those lies.

Jai realized how stupid he was being but didn't stop. "A horrible place? She was the richest teenager in the world what kind of horrible place could she be in? For fucks sake Ari, shes a bad influence on you. She's not who you should be hanging out with." He said angrily.

At this point, Ariana was boiling. "Excuse me?" She cried. "You've been my boyfriend for fifteen hours and you're already trying to tell me who I should be hanging out with?! You don't even know her. She and Zac were broken up when she fell into drugs. The love of her life out of her life, and her grandfather died and she fell into the wrong things. Yknow what? Don't even bother coming out here anymore. Goodbye Jai." She hung up on him in anger, closing her eyes to try and calm herself down.

"Ariana?.. Ari?.. Fuck." He sighed when he realized she hung up.


Before going into work the next morning, Ariana walked next door to Miley and Zac's house to formally apologize even though she had texted her with an apology the night before. She was still angry with Jai but she was a lot calmer now. She rang their doorbell, sighing to herself.

Hearing the doorbell from the kitchen, Zac and Miley looked at each other. "You get it." Miley blurted.

Zac paused his cooking to pout at his fiancé. "Why me? I'm making breakfast. You get it."

Miley smiled sweetly at him, her blue eyes twinkling mischievously. "Because you're in boxers and I'm only in my bra and panties."

Zac smirked, shamelessly checking out her toned, tanned and sexy body. "You say that like its a bad thing."

Miley laughed, not even attempting to cover herself as she heard the doorbell go off again. "Fine, I'll get it. But you're getting it next time." She kissed his cheek as she passed him to go into the laundry room, plucking one of his shirts out of the dryer. She pulled it on and grabbed her coffee on her way to the front door, taking a hearty sip as she opened it, surprised to see her friend on the other side. "Hey!"

Ariana looked at her, raising her eyebrow when she saw her attire. "Why are you half naked every time I come over?"

Miley laughed, letting her in. "Because you always come over when Zac is home." She winked, shutting the door. "What's up?" She asked, walking back to the kitchen with the redhead in tow.

Ariana rolled her eyes at her back but smiled sheepishly as she followed. "I just wanted to apologize for all those articles about you being a bad influence on me."

Miley stopped in front of the entry to the kitchen to look at her, completely surprised. "Seriously? You came here for that?" She laughed. "Ari, it's no big deal. Trust me. Those articles are full of shit. I don't read those things, or pay attention to them."

Ariana felt relief wash over her, but then she was confused. "Then why did you send me the link?" In actuality, she didn't open Miley's messages. She only opened her moms and Scooters. She assumed Miley's were about the articles as well.

"I didn't." Miley smiled. "I sent you a link to a wedding dress I found."

Ariana smiled brightly at her, completely relieved. "This is why you're one of my best friends." She pulled the taller girl into a tight hug, to which Miley happily returned.

"Are you hungry?" She asked as they pulled away, walking into the kitchen.

Ariana smiled and followed her in just as Zac put a plate of chocolate chip pancakes on the kitchen table along with a bowl of fruits that Miley had prepared earlier. "Yeah kind of. I didn't get to eat because I was nervous about coming over here."

Miley just shook her head, laughing. "We'll help yourself." She got an extra plate out of the cabinet and a knife and fork, handing them to her before sitting down herself.

Ari thanked her and greeted Zac before helping herself to a helping of the fruits. She stayed silent as the couple chatted, thinking back to her conversation with Jai the night before. It took her a long time to fall back asleep afterwards. She woke up with a ton of texts from him but she wasn't sure if she should forgive him so easily.


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