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" ... can't stop staring at those ocean eyes... "


She sees him sitting at lunch sometimes and wonders why he won't look at her.

Usually with the frenzy that occurs at lunch she doesn't think twice about him; she is -after all – a bit more popular now (thanks to Veronica), and that comes with the price of not always having a second of silence to herself.

But on somedays she won't find herself talking to 4 different people at once, and rather find a comforting silence fall upon her as she sits near the young boy; wondering if she should make the effort of small talk?

This only lasts for a few days, until betty realizes that the boy's physics homework was much more appealing than her; ultimately deciding that perhaps Archie's football-talk is much more amusing than sitting alone with a (mildly) interesting boy.


hold me tight, or i'll disappear  {Betty Cooper/Peter Parker}Where stories live. Discover now