vi. (fin)

363 13 4

" ... still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me... "


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He sees her smiling and wonders where he found the courage to look at her.

He stands at the side of the gym awkwardly; with a drink in hand, and boxed corsage in the other. He was sure his date would arrive; even when the Formal was coming to an end and many of the guest began to drizzle out, he was sure that she would come.

However, the realization of being 'ghosted' now hit him; as he stood there in the gym alone (apart from a few couples).

He decides to make his way back home, when he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns, only to see a pretty blonde smiling at him.

"Betty... hi." He mumbles.

"Hi Peter," she says, and points at his boxed corsage. "what happened?"

"I don't know... planned to go with a girl from my Chem class... ," he murmurs. "guess not."

"may I?" she asks.

He shrugs, opening the box, and giving her the corsage to wear.

Suddenly she grabs his hand and pulls him towards the dance floor, and he lets her lead him. Slowly, but surely, they're dancing now (although to him its more of an awkward shuffle). He doesn't know what to do; do they talk? Kiss? Just dance?

He decides to tell her that she looks pretty. She lights up like a star, and he feels like laughing along, but he doesn't... because he doesn't want to ruin the beauty of her own laugh; so, he just blushes.

God, he was always such a pushover.


hold me tight, or i'll disappear  {Betty Cooper/Peter Parker}Where stories live. Discover now