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" ... and i'll call you when the party's over... "


she sees him cry and wonders why he won't look at her.

Reggie's spring break party was supposed to be "the greatest in the history of this town" but all Betty wanted to do right now was leave; between playing beer pong and a scandalous truth-or-dare, she wasn't having any of it. So she went out to the front porch; and that's when she saw him. Sitting on the porch steps.

Betty takes a seat next to him, "... what are you thinking about?" she asks; her eyes immediately falling towards his bruised lip.

The boy shrugs. "nothing, I just miss New York."

"oh." She mumbles; cause what else is she supposed to say?

"I had this friend, a-and i thought we were gonna be together forever... guess not, eh?" he says.

"did you at least say 'bye'?"

He nods, "yeah, but it doesn't seem like enough now. It's hard... sometimes... to like, express how much someone means to you."

Betty hugs her knees closer to her chest. "Yeah," she whispers. "No matter what, you can never hold someone close enough."

The boy doesn't say anything after that, and - in an effort to preserve the tranquility – neither does she. Rather they indulge in a comforting silence, a silence that said more than words ever could; but Betty rather he say something,



hold me tight, or i'll disappear  {Betty Cooper/Peter Parker}Where stories live. Discover now