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" ... oh angels sent from up above, i feel you coursing through my blood... "


She sees him sitting in class and wonders why he won't look at her.

Peter. The boy's name was Peter.

"so why did you want to know?" whispers Reggie, whilst drawing stars all over his English worksheet.

"just curious." She mumbles back, and quickly hops on to change the subject. "Anyway, did you hear about that vigilante? Spider-boy? Spider-guy?"

But Reggie isn't swayed, giving a noticeable sneer. "Why?" he asks distastefully (as if almost accusing her of a crime), "you don't like Parker, do you?"

Betty's grip on her pencil tightens, as a strange sense of guilt overtakes her. "No. Of course not."

And she sits there wondering how long it'll take for her to believe that (because English class is only so long).


hold me tight, or i'll disappear  {Betty Cooper/Peter Parker}Where stories live. Discover now