The secret

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(Your POV)
As me and Sasuke got back I tapped him on the shoulder and say,
" um Sasuke are you dating Sakura."
He just chuckled a bit
" no, she's just another one of those fan girls."
" oh thank god I thought you two were dating."
He lifts an eyebrow
" what if we were, would that be bad."
" uh no not at all it would just be weird because I'm living with you."
" oh right."
I chuckle and go to kitchen and start to look through the cook book, then Sasuke goes to the shower and tells me
" if you see something you like just tell me and wi'll make it when I'm done."
I nod and continue to look through the book I think, maybe I should tell Sasuke my secret since I feel I like I can trust him, I mean I can see that he treats me better then he treats the others. Okay then I will tell him, just as I think that he comes out of the bathroom. I turn around and see that Sasuke only has a towel around his waist, I blush slightly and turn back around, he smiles
" I forgot to get clothes out before going to the shower."
" right yeah ha ha."
I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks even more, I groan and Sasuke walks back out
" so, did you find something you want angel.... I mean y/n."
Know I knew I blushing for sure, but I chocked out.
" um well um t-this looks good."
" yeah, okay I'll start cooking, you can go take a shower if you need."
" um yeah thank."
I run to the bathroom, with clothes.
(Sasuke's POV)
Omg omg omg I can't believe I just called y/n angel, that's so embarrassing. I look back at the book and start to cook but I couldn't get that awkward conversation out of my mind. After about 20 minutes y/n came back out and walk up to me, she says
" well while we are on awkward conversations can I show you something."
" um yeah of course."
She takes a breath, and starts taking off her shirt and I ask while blushing
" um y-y/n why are taking of your shirt."
She turns to the side, and says
" I don't want to wreck my shirt."
I was about to ask another question, then huge fluffy wings puffed out, I stared in awe not knowing what to say they were beautiful, but finally say
" um what are they there so beautiful and can I touch them."
" well first there wings, second I know there beautiful and third yes you can touch them."
I start to touch them and they felt like silk but way softer. I stop touching them when y/n says
" um Sasuke I think the food is going to get burnt."
" ah dang it.... oh thank god it's not burnt."
" oh good."
She chuckles, and I realize she still isn't wearing a shirt, I point it out and she pulls the shirt over her front. I just chuckle at her and she chuckles too.
" you are too cute."
"Sorry what did you say I didn't Hear you."
" oh nothing let's eat."
" ya ok."

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