Late Night Worries

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We got back to the village quite late the night we returned, and everyone split direction as we got through the gate. Kakashi said goodbye to us and told us to get lots of sleep because we would be helping out at the academy the next day. We all groaned and then Sakura left but Naruto followed her asking to walk her home, but she just yelled at him(big surprise). Sasuke turned to me and asked if we should get going now. I swiftly nodded my head and we started to walk towards the house. As we walked I saw a group of men sitting outside of a bar, they were obviously drunk as a skunk. They kept making eye contact with me and smirking, it made me feel unsafe so I turned to Sasuke and grabbed him hand. He literally jumped and looked down at me, I motioned with my eyes over to the men. He saw how they looked at me then quickly pulled me away. When we got back to house Sasuke locked the door and we both unpacked our stuff. Once we had finished he sat down on the couch and told me to come over to him, he needed to talk to me.

"I'm not sure if you knew this or not, but those men are not nice people when they are drunk nor are any, so I need you to promise that you will be safe around them."

"Why are they bad people, did they hurt someone? I mean i got bad vibes from them and they kinda scared me but why?"

"Because when people are under the influence of alcohol they can do bad things."

I nodded my head and promised to keep my guard up if I'm around anyone of the sort. After he was done talking he went to the shower and told me he would be back in a couple of minutes, then I could have the shower. Once he was gone I walked to balcony door and then went outside, I never noticed that he had a balcony. I stood in the cold wind, but then decided to jump onto the roof of his house. From there I could see so much more, there was hardly anyone on the streets and all of the stores were closed. I laid back on the roof just staring at the sky, I wonder what my family is doing right now. Well I guess it doesn't matter but, sometimes I even wonder if they noticed I left. I started to doze off and eventually fell asleep.

An hour later I woke up and went inside, it didn't feel like and hour but it was. I didn't know until I walking through the balcony doors and saw the whole house was trashed, and Sasuke was putting on his shoes to leave. I asked him what he was doing and he quickly snapped around and saw me, tears started to form in his eyes and ran to me and hugged me so tight.

"I thought you left me."

I wrapped my arm around him and apologised saying I fell asleep on the roof. He chuckled and called himself dumb for not checking there. As we let go I say I was glad that at least one person worry's about me, and he just looks at me and says
" Of course I worry about you, my Angel."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2020 ⏰

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