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Normal Pov.

After Germnay had his discussion with Indiana and Illinois he decided to go find France to ask him about the thing that was mentioned.

5 minutes later

Germany walked into the meeting room to see that there was still quite a few countries in there even though the meeting was over. But nonetheless his main priority was to find France which wasn't too hard to be honest.

Germany's Pov.

Ever since I had left Indiana and Illinois in the room, I had been looking for France, mainly vanting to talk about some things...

Soon enough though I found him sitting talking with England, or maybe just bugging him, it's hard to tell the difference sometimes. But I walked up to him and said.

"Hej France can I talk to you in private please?"

"Honhonhon, what's the thing you need of me at this moment?" He asked me.

"Well you'll find out in a moment, now follow me" I replied to him.

He gave me a look, and waved goodbye to England, who looked relieved for France to be leaving, and we walked out.

Regular Pov.

The two counties walked into a room, and Germnay asked him.

"So, I was talking to Indiana and Illinois, and from what I heard from Illinois is that jou abandoned him... is that true Francis?"

France gave a surprised look at Germany for,  but it was quickly replaced with a look of guilt and regret.

"Yes.. it is true, but please don't think that it was on purpose, I have a reason for it.."

Germnay gave the look for him to move on.

*sigh* "It was nearing the time of the French and Indian war.. and as you know me and England were in a deep rivalry back then.. and my children.. I knew they wouldn't be safe in the war, and I hid them, well except for Louisiana, I gave her to Spain, since he took good care of Romano I knew he would take good care of her too. But anyway I didn't have anyone to take in Illinois so I hid him... and when the British took his land he wouldn't be caught, I didnt want to think what would happen to him if England got to him..." France explained.

The two didn't say anything for a few minutes until Germany said.

"Wow.. I never knew zhat France.. do you zhink zhey know?"

"No I don't think so, and everytime I tried to talk to them, they just gave me looks of pure hatred, or well mainly Indiana did... but you know he actually looks familiar to me.."

"Vhat do jou mean by zhat?"

"To be honest I can't really remember but I'll remember it later probably.."

The countries sit there in the comfortable silence for a few minutes before they decide they should go back to the meeting room.

Time skills brought to you by some delicious ravioli~

When they entered the meeting room everyone was surprisingly there, even Indiana and Illinois, with Illinois still having tear stained cheeks.

Germany looked around to see some countries around America, probably asking questions about the states..

Indiana's Pov.

I looked around the meeting room looking at all of the different countries, I saw Greece who somehow had a cat, I saw Egypt, Seychelles, Norway, and others of course. But my main priority was my older brother who was sitting next to me. His eyes were still a bit puffy, and his cheeks were tear stained, from when he was crying earlier.

I looked at Illinois before deciding  I wanted to get up and walk around for bit.

As I came around to America though I noticed something or 'someone'.

Then I realized it was England, I got curious as to what he was saying to I got closer.

"So all this time you had children you asshat?!" Yelled England.

"Yep" America replied.

"Well why didn't you tell me?!"

"for this reason.." America whispered.

I noticed England definitely heare what he said, and he looked very angry.

"You stupid fat pig you think I'm stupid or something?!"

That's when America looked broken, i knew he hated being called that.. especially by England.

After England insulted America a little more, I knew I had to do something.

"Hey you mother fucker you leave him alone!" I yelled at England.

"Excuse me?" England replied.

"You heard me asshole!" I yelled again.

Ever since the French and Indian war I've always hated England no matter what, and now saying these things to him that I've always wanted to day to him is just nice.

"Well the last time I noticed I don't have to listen to little brats" he replied to me.

That is where I finally fucking snapped.

I walked up to him, and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"You listen hear bitch, I'm not going to let you talk to my dad like that ever again you hear me? You can talk plenty of shit about me but not him. Got that?" I said with venom in my voice.

England just looked scared which was satisfying to be honest.

He gave a slight nod, before I dropped him on the floor, he gave me a glare before walking away.

"Hmf shows him right.." I mumbled.

I looked over at America who looked as if he was about to cry at any moment, I knew I had to do something..

"Hawaii!" I yell.

Soon Hawaii was at my legs in an instant.

"Want do you need Indy?" She asked me.

"I want to to go cheer up dad, since that meanie over there, was not being very nice to him" I pointed over to where England was sitting.

She gave a small gasp before saying.

"That bitch! Don't worry big bro I'll help dad!" She said with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Now, now Hawaii what did I say about listening to Kentucky, and Texas to much?"

"You can listen but don't repeat what they say..." she said guiltly.

"Good, now go cheer him up" I said as she ran over to America.

I looked over at Illinois who was asleep from the events today.

I gave a small laugh before telling Delaware me and Illinois were going back my house since, the world meeting and state meeting were being held in Indianapolis, Indiana for whatever reason.

As we walked out I noticed France  looking at me..

I quickly turned my head, and walked out the door..

"That was weird.."


Ack sorry for not updating this book in almost a weeek. But yeah how you like it.

Also try to guess how France recognized Indiana, :)

Okay bye for now.

50 States is a handful you know? Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum