Chapter Four: Hole in the Wall

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Officer King leads me to a gym studio filled with the same equipment we strolled passed earlier. Weights fill a rack in one corner. Treadmills line up the back wall along with other exercise machines. A long mirror stretches along the opposite side of the wall. Everything just looks so beautiful that I think I'm on the verge of crying. I hadn't realized I was frozen in place until the clearing of a throat cleared me from my trance.

"Lady Love, these are one of the private rooms you can use to workout. It's not booked for a while, so you can have it all to yourself." King announces. We stand near the doorway. I remain silent. I'm still stunned by how amazing this room is and don't have the energy to reply. King clears his throat again.

"Well if you need anything I'm around the corner, but I'm sure you won't. I'm positive that you can take care of yourself. I witnessed it with my own eyes moments ago." A charming smile appears on King's face.

"Yeah sorry about that. Sometimes my anger just gets the best of me." I say to quietly.  I'm not even sure he heard me.

"I guess I better stay on your good side." He jokes. A giggle escapes my mouth. Now that I think about it, that was a really stupid move. I practically almost killed the guy in the gym. I'm drawing too much attention to myself already and it's only my first day! Gosh, what do I have to be so messy! I can't let my emotions get in the way of this mission. Hurting that man was way out of line, no matter what sick comment he said!

"Hey-" I began, but don't know how to continue the question. Will I get kicked out because of this? If that happens that would be really bad news. I wish Ryan would have made me a bracelet for my anger issues too. Ryan...I can't think about him right now. The only reason I came to this gym was to get my mind off him and let off some steam. So far I'm not doing so good.

"Yes," King spoke beckoning me to continue.

"Will there be consequences for..." Me almost killing that guy? "What I just did out there?" I stammer. He replies with silence. I guess that answers my question. Day one and I'm already going home to America with nothing. President Lincoln will be furious, my dad will be disappointed, Ryan will be...Ryan? I actually wouldn't know how he would react.

"Hey." King declared. I'm guessing he expects me to look at him, but I keep my eyes glued to the wooden floor. Mainly because if I look into those honey eyes I'll end up in a trance. The second reason being I'm too embarrassed because of my actions from earlier.

"Hey." He repeats. I feel his fingers grab my chin causing me to go ridged. He tilts my face up forcing me to stare into those hypnotizing eyes. That was BOLD! Man, he's got guts! Not going to lie though, a neck cramp is starting to form from just looking at him. Why does he have to be so tall? A better question: Why do I have to be so short? I feel like a child now.

"No one's getting in trouble okay? That man better be lucky he didn't touch you otherwise, I would of been filing a report about assault. If anything you were just defending yourself." He avowed. I nodded reverting my eyes back to the floor. I guess that calmed my nerves a little. No one says anything for a while before I hear King clear his throat.

"Well, I'll leave you to it Lady Love." Why is he always so formal? "I'll lock the door behind me. I'm going to be around the corner, so when you're done just call of me in the hallway." King announces. I nod again adjusting my gym bag I absently forgot was on my shoulder. How I manage to attack that man with this gym bag dangling on my shoulder is truly a mystery to me. My eyes stop at a humongous black punching bag, dangling from a pole in the middle of the room. I suddenly have the urge to punch something and make my way to that space. Halfway along my journey, I turn back to Officer King. He's about to walk out of the room.

"Hey King!" I call out with a smile. He tilts his head back to look at me.

"It's Heaven not Lady Love." I profess with a smile.

"Of course Ms. Love." He replies before closing the door on his simpering smile.

All I can do is shake my head as I make my way to the punching bag. I settle my belongings on a bench nearby. Opening my gym bag I pull out my white hand wraps. I slowly wrap the cloth around each of my hands, before returning the wrap to my bag. I then retrieve my punching gloves from my bag as well. It may seem overboard, but I have to make sure my hangs won't be damaged by the end of this workout. Trust me, I've finished a work out with bloody knuckles and a broken wrist before. I didn't even realize something was wrong until Ryan told me. Ryan...I really need to start because now I'm fuming with the anger from the plane.

Before starting I fetch my speaker from my bag and my phone. When my Bluetooth is finally connected I turn on my playlist, set my phone and speaker on the bench, and head for the punching bag.

My speaker booms with an alarming bass. I immediately recognize the song playing as Money by Cardi B. I don't know what it is about this song, but it just gets me in the zone. I start using the punching bag as an outlet for my anger. My hand attacks the fabric pretending it's Ryan. How dare he blame me for dad. He knows I have no control over my powers!

I don't know how long I've been punching this bag, but I can feel my adrenaline rising. Sweat is also creeping my skin causing my jacket to stick to me. I talk my jacket off and throw it on the bench before continuing to punch Ryan....I mean the punching bag. As time passes I can feel my hand start to throb, but I don't care. I welcome the pain. It'll distract me from the pain I feel for hurting dad. For kill those people because of my stupid cramps! That's all I'll ever be. A walking nightmare that kills anything close to me. I increase the force of my punches. Maybe if I punch hard enough, I'll forget the pain. All of a sudden the punching bag flies across the room. The pole that was attached follows it. A boisterous noise is heard as the punching bag and pole crash into the wall. A humongous hole is now indented in the wall. Great...just great!

The sound of a whistle startles my ears. It wasn't the fact that it was a whistle though because whistles don't typically scare me. Nor should whistles scare anyone for the matter, but it was the fact that the sound seemed so close. It seemed that the sound of the whistle was inches away from my ear. I was taught that if you hear anything suspicious you attack.

So out of instinct, my hand reached behind me to grab any danger. My hand wrapped around something. Maybe a wrist? Whatever it was, I flipped it over my head and slammed it to the ground. A figure appears in front of me. Well more like a person.

Before the person has any sense to attack, I slammed my arm to their throat to make sure they wouldn't move. This is followed by me sitting on top of their stomach.  I plant my knees on both sides of their body as well. My other hand still grasps their wrist.

The person's fiery red hair displays loose curls. His blue eyes pierce into my soul. His beauty caught me off guard. I found myself loosening the pressure of my arm on their throat. Freckles coated his face distracting me even further. My arm now lands at my side. When I notice, I raised it into a fist in the air. Just in case of a surprise attack.

The alluring man starts coughing. "Wait!" He quivered.

"What do you want?" I hissed. He responded by looking at me like I'm a psychopath. I probably am. I jerk my fist a little to make it look like I was about to punch him. He flinched, slamming his head to the floor. It was kind of amusing.

"What do you want?" I repeat harshly.

"To get up!" He commands. His eyebrows scrunched with frustration. A smirk forms on my lips.

"And why would I let you do that?" I growl. Who does he think he is. He thinks because he's beautiful he can sneak behind little girls and scare them! He has some nerve coming in here!

"Because I'm the prince!" He shouts.


"Yeah....that seems like a good reason." I squeak and quickly get off the prince.

When he rises I'm face to face with a towering angry prince, with firing red hair and the prettiest eyes I've ever seen glaring at me.

Idiot Idiot! Idiot! I want to facepalm myself so bad right now. Maybe there's room in that hole in the wall. Maybe I can hide there and avoid this situation altogether.  

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