Chapter Nine: Some Significance

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"Wolf, where have you been! It's been a week. You said you'd be back in two hours. Since when do two hours translate to a week later?" Huffed a high pitched voice. Although the voice is high pitched there is a bit of a base mixed with an engrained west African accent. It's quite alluring and sends off a sexy-authoritative-Wakanda Forever vibe. I don't know how else to explain it. It makes me kind of jealous. Wait -

"Give me a break Vivian. Don't talk to me like I'm a fucking child." Barked a husky voice with a hint of a West African accent also.

"Well stop acting like a child and I won't." Grunted the high pitch - I mean Vivian.

"Kiss my ass and fuck off." Wow, that was a little harsh. Who are these people? Why is everything black? Why can't I see? Am I dreaming?

"Where were you Wolf?" Questions Vivian.

"I didn't find anything."

"I can see that Wolf, but you didn't answer my question."

"Don't worry about it."

An exaggerated sigh erupts from someone.

"You listen to me and you listen to me closely Wolf. I get it. We lost our family to those people above us. They burned our home. They threw our loved one's body in a fire, like they were a piece of wood for a campfire. They threw us down here like we're a herd of vicious animals. I understand your pain. Everyone here understands your pain because they've experienced what you've gone through. It hurts me to see you like this. I can understand the reason behind it, but do you see me walking around with a frown? Do you see me cussing out the first person I see for no reason? Do you see me throwing my anger out on everybody? No. It hurts me to see you hurt and mistreat people, but it especially hurts to see you do it to me. Your own sister. I've been through it all with you. I understand -"

"Stop saying you understand, because you don't Viv! You don't! You don't know what it's like to have everyone's thoughts screaming through your mind. Feeling every emotion they feel and have it mixed with your own grief. You don't know what it's like to have everyone rely on you! To have everyone's hopes and dreams piled up in your hands. Till the point where it weighs you down because deep down you know that those hope and dreams will never come true. There are so many fucked up things you don't know -

"So tell me Wolf! Tell me then! Stop excluding me from everything and tell me!" Bellowed Vivian.

"You wouldn't understand."

"There you go again. How do you know that I won't understand?"

"I'm a fucking mind reader dumb ass."

All this yelling is giving me a headache. If this is a dream I hope I wake up soon. My sense are coming back. My back feels like the Hulk smashed me unto the concrete multiple times. Ouch! On top of my back being in pain, I also feel some discomfort. I think I'm laying down, but whatever I'm laying on is so uncomfortable. Where's the cushion? Where a pillow maybe? An unwelcoming cold breeze greets my skin. Ok, I need to wake up.

After multiple failed attempts at moving my eye muscles, I give up. I'm just going to have to suffer through this dream.

"Who's the dead bitch on the bed?" Wolf (I presume) inquires.

"She's not dead! At least I hope not. Let me check her pulse again."

Cool finger brush again my wrist. The smooth fingers grip my wrist for a few seconds before releasing it. This dream seems very real, although I can't see anything.

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