Epilogue:A Guilt Over Humanity

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Something's can't always the way it has to be.

Once in a bright sunny day at Tremorton at the household of Nora Wakeman, Jenny was preparing to leave for school...

Nora Wakeman:Goodbye honey, have a nice day!
Jenny:See ya mom, I'll try

Jenny exit the house...

After Jenny left, a huge explosion occurred at the wall. Nora was shocked to see it was the Skyway Patrol Police.

Nora Wakeman:What is the meaning of this?! What do you think your doing in my house!?

Police:Miss Nora Wakeman. By order of the Skyway Patrol HQ, you are hereby under arrest for destruction, chaos and many other violations your daughter has provoked on a daily basis.

The police handcuffed her hands....

Police:Your coming with us Miss Wakeman

*Meanwhile at Skyway Patrol HQ*

Judge:Nora Wakeman, you are found guilty of damage and destruction through out the world over, while bringing increasing threats to the earth of those who seek to obtain or destroy the XJ9 unit.

Nora Wakeman was depaired by his words

Jugde:And so you are hereby ordered to to permanently shutdown the XJ9 unit, with no possible of copy transfer of robot units artificial intelligence in an innocuous body or computer by the end of the day.

Nora Wakeman responded with a gasp......

Judge:If these demands are not met, you and the XJ9 unit are to be considered as threats to the earth, the two of you will be apprehend at all cost and the robots will be destroyed on sight!

After the Judge was finished giving his demands, Nora returned to her household, feeling sad and worried about what might happened if she doesn't follow the demand then Jenny and her other robots will be destroyed

After her thoughts on what to do, XJ9 returns from school telling her about her day at school with her friends, she was about to hit the day and goes to her room until Nora stopped her

Nora:Wait daughter......
Jenny:Daughter?....You never called me daughter before.

Nora ran towards XJ9's direction and give her a hug...

Nora:I love you, darling....
Jenny:I love you too mom, You know that
Nora:Ahem....alright, let's get you to bed, tomorrows gonna be great

Meanwhile at Jenny's Room, Jenny lay down on her bed, Nora helped plugged the charger into her Charge Port...

Jenny:Thanks mom, but I could've plugged it in myself you know

Nora didn't listen and prepares to shut her down without Jenny knowing

Nora:I cannot believe I'm going to do this, she just want to be a normal girl, but I have no opinion

Nora pulled the lever and deactivated her charge support and starts to drain Jenny's battery instead of charging it...

Jenny felt dizzy for a moment....

Jenny:oh mom?.....what going on?.....

Jenny' battery was completely empty and she was shutdown.........

*11 Years Later*.....

To Be Continued

A/N- Chapter One will be released on Apr 20 due because it will take much detail and story to take note on, Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the Epilogue. Like, Comment and Follow my Wattpad Profile.....and 😁Peace Out😁

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