Chapter 1:The Awakening

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*11 Years Later*

Everything was black, nothing but darkness......until eyes open to see graphical text......

Jenny was awake from an unfamiliar sleep

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Jenny was awake from an unfamiliar sleep.....

Jenny has no clue to what happened or what she is in?

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Jenny has no clue to what happened or what she is in?

She finds herself in a iron capsule in an unknown location

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She finds herself in a iron capsule in an unknown location.....

Jenny kicked the door opened, she stood up from the capsule and take a moment to look around

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Jenny kicked the door opened, she stood up from the capsule and take a moment to look around.....

Jenny kicked the door opened, she stood up from the capsule and take a moment to look around

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Jenny really doesn't have any clue of her whereabouts of this place

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Jenny really doesn't have any clue of her whereabouts of this place

Jenny looked around to only see she is at Tremorton Junkyard.

Jenny:How the heck did I end up at the junkyard?

Suddenly she heard footsteps approaching her direction........

Jenny:Who goes there?! Show yourself!!!

A figure walked out from hiding......

???:Are you XJ9 or Jenny Wakeman?

The figure was shown to be a green goblin wearing a metal vest and silver pants and shoes and with a blue bowler hat and wearing goggles, he also appears to have a super tech back pack paired with two mechanical arms and with a steam tank on its side

Jenny:Uh yes I am, why are you looking for me?
???:Look we cant talk here!, your too vulnerable out the open....we'll talk when it's safe. Follow me...

Jenny obeyed and followed the goblin creature to a huge shelter site with more goblins encroaching......

Goblin:Yo boss it's that the robot girls you talked about?
???:Yup...she just woke up from her 11 Years of napping....
Jenny:Wait....I was asleep for 11 years?!
???:Come on inside.....

The goblin walked towards a campfire and they both sit down with the goblin on one side and Jenny at the other side....

???:Now it's safe to talk
Jenny:What's going on?.....What happened here...
???:Well it's a long story.......Oh and I forgot to introduce myself, I'm Gazlowe, leader of these other goblin with me in this dump.....I'm also an engineer and high class for repairs of other tech.....
Jenny:Nice to meet you Gazlowe, how did you know my name anyway?
Gazlowe:oh your mom and I met during The Invasion Of The Cluster...
Jenny:What?! Queen Vexus and her minions invaded the world?! And you met my mom
Gazlowe:Yup and pretty much the entire city is conquered by her rule and most of the city's defenses are now at her command....and your mom and I have been talking about you and your sisters, she even told me about the time she got arrested for the destruction and pain you provoked for many years........
Jenny:What do you mean?
Gazlowe:She mentioned this so called "Skyway Patrol" has had enough of the wreckage you caused throughout the they ordered your mom to shut you down and the rest of your robot sister or else you and your family will get killed...

Jenny was not thrilled to hear that...

Jenny:But what happened to mom now? My sisters?.....
Gazlowe:That...I dont know......the last we saw each other was our successful complete of the IronBolt Nation....
Jenny:Wait.....what's this IronBolt Nation?
Gazlowe:Of yeah I forgot........your mom build an entire robot society of robot warriors and fighters and called it the IronBlot Nation.......and the best thing is that your mother assigned you to be Warmachine Mistress! The grand leader of the Nation...
Jenny:My mom build an entire army of robots, in my command. I'm have so much to know about this!
Gazlowe:Yup, but there is one problem, it was not long before the Cluster Army attacked the Nation and slaughtering many of your kind....
Jenny:Oh no!....did they survive?
Gazlowe:Apperently so, Queen Vexus puts your allies down and keep them in internment camps so they cant betray the Queen so easily......

Gazlowe walked out to the entrance with Jenny following...

Gazlowe:Even now, the IronBolt's waited for so long for the awakening of their Mistress and guide the Nation to a new life away from conflict and pain.....and that Mistress is YOU!.
Jenny:Then it is settled.....I'll find those internment camps and free my brethren!....
Gazlowe:Dont get cocky too soon, the guards from this place and there are heavily will need to learn some abilities to combat the enemy, your weapons and gadgets are no longer a threat to them anymore,follow me.......

Jenny followed Gazlowe to a room, which is filled with books, wands, gadgets and more

Gazlowe:Take you time.....look around

To Be Continued......

A/N- Chapter is far more longer than I expected to be Lol☺, so I'm splitting it into two Parts, Part 2 will be out soon
Directed Release Date are no longer a use for theses stories.......Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed *Chapter 1:The Awakening* Like, Comment, and Follow my Wattpad Profile for more.........😄Peace Out😄

Shout out for CoreMindsMaster for the fanart of deviantart
Follow his profile in the link

Thanks so much bro.....

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