Chapter 3:A Competition of Iron and Steel

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A few days later, Jenny, Gazlowe, Claximus and the Ironbolts continue their journey towards SteelGear Town.


Claximus:SteelGear Town should not be far, young ones
Jenny:Then we best hurry, I fear they maybe defenseless without us
Gazlowe:Dont worry we'll get there soon, but atleast we haven't encountered any Sea Giants or Hydras lately
Claximus:Indeed, Although we should have encountered some hostile natives by now, Wait........

Claximus saw some weird looking creatures ahead, dismantling the nearby huts

Claximus:What are those creepy looking octopus like demented creature over there?
Jenny:What?...........Oh no, it cant be...

Jenny then realize who they are.....

Jenny:Its the Faceless Ones!

(A/N- If you're new to Warcraft 3 gameplay, then Faceless Ones are creature from below that serves the Old Gods, their appearance are human like octopus with massive clubs for weapons)

Faceless One:We have been discovered!, Quickly you fools! Discard the evidence!
Gazlowe:I've heard about them too, but that's impossible! They only exist with the world of Azeroth!

The Faceless One approached their direction...

Faceless One:We are in a service of a new lord, little goblin. Much of our kind has now have been done but crushing all living lifeforms. We will create a new age of our empire and shrouded this world in darkness!

The Faceless One cast Cripple on Jenny, but was dispelled by her Mechanical Priest. Jenny then attacked the Faceless One, killing it but also attracts the other Faceless Ones towards their direction.

Jenny:Not if we could help it, Advance!

The group attacked the Faceless Ones head one, the attack was won

Jenny:This was merely a scouting force and no doubt there will be more of them nearby. We must find them and put an end to their evil schemes

Main Quest Discovered:The Faceless Peril
- Find the Faceless Ones location
- Destroy their encampment

While Jenny and Claximus journey down road, Gazlowe and a few of his goblin warroirs remain near a gold mine and the Mech Workers began constructing an outpost base.

Afterwards, Jenny spotted something up ahead of their trail, A Defiled Fountain...

Jenny:What has happened to this fountain?, it seems to be spreading some sort of disease around it.
Claximus:These Faceless Ones must be attempting to corrode the lands. Something tells me there are more defiled fountains nearby.
Jenny:Then we have to locate these fountains and clean their waters. Unfortunately, I don't know how to cleanse the corrupt waters
Claximus:Leave that to me...

Claximus approaches the fountain and cast his purify spell, then the fountain became a Fountain of Health.

Jenny:That was amazing!
Claximus:Purifying the waters is my speciality.
Jenny:Then we have to hurry, these Faceless Ones are far more dangerous than a ever imagine...
Claximus:I agree

Optional Quest Discovered:Stop the Corrosion
-Find 3 Defiled Fountains (1 of 3)
-Cleanse the fountain with Claximus or a Deepseer

Soon after, Gazlowe followed the two.

Gazlowe:The base and it's defenses are done Jenny, now I can join you guys.

As they journey to the east roads, they fought more of the Faceless Ones guarding the path. Afterwards they found another Defiled Fountain. Claximus approach the the fountain and purify the waters.

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