Loyal Partners

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Mikel: Did you see that?!

Mikel shouted pulling my arm towards him ... And to be honest, it hurt! He seems so strong for some reason, any harder and he would've broken a bone...

Melody: Um! I see those things all the time! They're evil spirits that are I suppose mad at me for some reason... Do you mind loosening your grip just a little bit?

Mikel looked at me with his mouth open shocked, He then rough me in even closer and hugged me! This man Is so gentle...I never wanted him to let go, he was just so warm and gentle towards me or other people. I don't really know him at all haha!

Melody: Mikel! Let me go!

My instincts overtook me but I never wanted things to this way...its just so emotional right now! 😿

Mikel said nothing but he let go. I'm sure he was embarrassed or disgusted...

Melody: Sorry I--

Mikel: Let's go, Melody...

He interrupted me and with such a cold tone...I was so disappointed in myself, I just looked down and followed him...I thought we were leaving but I was wrong! He was heading to the houses entrance!

Melody: Umm! Mikel, the exit is the other way!

I looked up as I said this with a confused look, pointing to the gate...

Mikel: I know where I'm going!

He didnt even turn around, he just stood there and pushed his head a little towards my direction. I saw he Nada frown with nothing else but a cold stare...He got rejected by me, IM SUCH A TERRIBLE PERSON!!

Melody: Mikel, you don't understand! If you go inside there you gonna get possessed or killed! Please come back!

He turned around and rubbed his chin...

Mikel: hmm...Then how come your not possessed or killed?

He looked to the sky but didnt turn his head towards the sky...

Melody: I...I don't know. But I won't go with you, Mikel!

Mikel: Thats fine...I'll go alone!

I began to cry for what reason? I have literally no idea! And I fell to my knees, arms spread across the ground...

Melody: Please don't go! Your my only friend! I don't want you to die, Mikel! I want you to save my parents life and mine! I need you like I need God!

He stopped in his tracks and turned around... With a shocked, sad and angrered face.

Mikel: What do you mean...Save you and your parents? And that you need me like you need God?! And that I'm your only friend?...

I cover my mouth and widen my eyes, tears still flowing through them...

Melody: I never said! I never said that! I hate my life!! I just wanna move on!

Mikel: Melody...

He ran to me within like a second he was in front of me... He must be a vampire to be that fast or I just list time and my eyes are too blurry to see if he was actually just right in front of me...

He got down on his knees and hugged me, I m sure I made his cloak sopping wet!

Mikel: Its okay, its okay now...

(Mikel POV)My eyes turn blood red and my fangs draw out and I hug he tighter, staring closely to her neck...

Melody: Mikel, your squashing me!

(Mikels POV) I realize that she's my friend and I remember the words she told me...I just met this girl and she said that she needs me desperately! I'll go drink someone else's blood...Not hers...

Mikel: Oh right! Sorry!

He releases his hug and helps me up...I dust my T-shirt and my pants down and. I looked up at him in the eye and realized something strange about him...

Melody: You okay, Mikel? 😕

He snapped out of his weird glare and rubbed the back of his head..

Mike: I'm fine, thanks!...I just really need to go into that houses Melody...I need to know more about these spirits. Please come with me, there's a reason why they didnt posses nor kill you...I need to as a friend...And as a shield.

My heart just melted, I just couldn't say no! I took a leave step forward and looked him in his beautiful gray eyes...

Melody: Okay, Mikel...Let's go...

                  To be continued...

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