Chapter 7

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The weekend came and went and it was back to school Monday morning.

My mom dropped me off and I stepped out of the car, nearly falling from exhaustion. Mom wore me out all weekend trying to teach me everything, and we still haven't gotten much of it because there's so much.

I walk through the school doors and it was dead silent. There was no one to be seen, and I didn't hear anything either.

I then felt a sudden tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Emi there, smiling.

"Jeez, Emi. Don't scare me like that."

"Sorry." She seemed startled by me being shocked.

I turned back around. "Where is everyone?"

"Your guess is just as good as mine, I just got here."

"Let's look around."

I stared looking around the halls, and peering into the classrooms. It seem there weren't classes going on, but instead everyone sitting inside a classroom, glancing amongst each other nervously.

"What's got them spooked?"

"Don't know, but it can't be good."

"Should we go inside a classroom too..?"

"I actually want to find out what's going on."  I'm nosey, I know that, but something isn't right or those students wouldn't be seemingly cowering in fear.


"Come on!" I grabbed her arm and began pulling her with me.

"Okay! But can we at least set our stuff down?"

I threw my book bag on the floor next to the wall and started running down the hall when I spotted what looked like a gigantic hole in the wall.

"The hell?" Emi sounded scared. "Nats, we should go, we don't want whatever did that to find us."

"More like who..." I muttered to myself. Mom was right, Rein isn't who he says he is. He must have had major issues for him to be moved over here... but soon he's going to realize that he needs to control himself.

"What are you talking about?!"

I turned towards Emi. "Emi, listen." I put my hand on her shoulder. "What you see today, if you do.... you needn't freak out and trust me, and only me. Got it?"

Her eyes were wide with confusion, but she nodded.

I stared walking down the hall and turned to see she was just standing there.

I turned back and continued walking, then I reached the hole. I peered in to see what looked like Rein standing there, facing away, with someone on the ground. I couldn't get a good look at whoever was on the floor, but it looked to be an adult.

I stared walking closer to Rein, quietly as to not make my presence known.

I peeked over his shoulder and it looked like the principal on the floor, cowering. She seemed to see me, but didn't take notice as to not let Rein know.

"Not so brave now, huh?" Rein remarked.

I pinched the back of his neck, freezing it as my ability activated.

He whipped around and stared in awe at me. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"What the hell do you think you're doing here?"

"I deserve to be in power, me!" He exclaimed.

"And you thought coming to a powerless city would work?"

"That's what my dad thought."

I glared at him.

"There's no way you inherited your mom's powers.."

"You want to test that?"

He gasped and grasped my shoulders and pillaged me forwards into another wall, breaking it and leading into another classroom.

I grabbed his hands and begun squeezing them, which was tougher than it seemed. Mom said I'd know what to do, but really I'm just internally panicking.

I created a barrier behind me, allowing me to fall in, but causing Rein to go backwards.


I then removed the barrier and used time manipulation to freeze him in place.

"Nats!?" I heard someone from that classroom call my name, but I ignored it temporarily.

"Shhh." I heard another voice.

I seen Rein turn towards them, and he ran, somehow breaking through the time manipulation freeze.

I created a barrier surrounding him, and began shrinking it until he couldn't move. Mom said these can't be penetrated without time manipulation usually, let's hope she's right.

Rein tried to punch the barrier, as much as he could. I seen it cracking, I quickly ran up to punch him, but felt a major pain in my chest as the barrier broke.

I fell to my knees and went unconscious.

I woke up and seen Emi looking down at me.


"Nats! You're okay! We were all worried."

"What happened?"

"You went unconscious when Rein broke whatever you surrounded him with."

"So it did happen... it just all feels like a dream."

"What's more important right now is that you get better quick because Rein is destroying the school little by little until they give in and let him control. You need to stop him, and soon."

"You can heal yourself by hovering your hand over the wound and just focus on healing and only that." My mom's words echoed through my mind.

I tried to sit up, and realized my chest still hurt.

I activated my ability and hovered my hand over my chest and began healing. I looked up to see Emi watching in amazement.

After I finished healing, I quickly sat up. "Where is he now?"

"Roof, he gathered all the teachers and staff there."

I stood up and walked towards the doorway, only to stop and turn around. "Emi."

She quickly stood up.

"I want you to gather everyone in the classrooms and any remaining staff and take them away from the building."

She nodded and rushed out ahead of me.

I started walking down the hall, and headed up the stairs to the roof.

This is my final chance to teach Rein a lesson. I glanced at my phone. And I need to hurry, or the parents will be arriving soon to pick up their children, we can't have everyone cowering in fear while the parents quickly take them off campus.

I bursted the doors open and seen Rein standing there, as he whipped around and glared at me.

"Look who finally decided to wake up."

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