The Repair Boy

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Ugh high school is a real pain in the ass. That's really just the only way to describe it and I know all of you agree. For some unknown reason, I kept thinking about that person that was lost the other day. It was hard looking at his features, for all you could see was a curly mess at the back of his head. As I was heading toward my new shop class I decided to take this year I bumped into what looked like an awkward freshman. "Godammit seriously just watch out !", I cursed in my head not wanting to sound rude and continued towards room 143 with Mr.Thomas. Since I was already late I just decided to quietly enter the room not wanting any attention. "Well you must be Ms.Kassia correct ?", said whom I figured to be Mr.Thomas. Without answering I just went and sat down at the back with some guy who was catching up on his sleep. The class that was supposed to make my day ended up boring me to death with all of my teacher's stories about himself that nobody really cared about. While I was jotting down some notes my pen suddenly broke " Here let me fix that " offered the now fully awake boy next to me. "Er, thanks ?" I responded, " Just call me the Repair Boy " he said with a wink, handing me my fully working pen back. Okay ? , I thought. Class was dismissed but I couldn't the "Repair Boy" off my mind. Crap, now I put two and two together realizing this guy was that lost person with the curly haired mess on his head.

Authors note :

Yeah I know it's all crappy and that I have a weird obsession with Leo Valdez but oh well. Leo belongs to that guy Rick and that's it. DEUCES !!! ✌️

The Repair Boy  ( Leo Valdez fanfic )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang